Report Settings


Use Report Settings to set options for importing time details from your Vendor Management System (VMS) to Exchange. Without these settings in place, Exchange cannot import time from your VMS to be processed. This article covers invidual report settings. For more general information on TMC Reports see Reports Menu.



Check Schedule & Formatting

Make sure the scheduling and formatting match for the report VMS as well as what you're configuring in these report settings in Exchange. If things don't line up properly, this could create some issues at a later point.

Review Load and Processing

When the next scheduled report runs you can verify that everything loaded properly. If everything doesn't load as you expect, you should review the template configuration again to ensure accuracy.

  • This may also require you to adjust the VMS sourced report instead of only making changes to the template settings in Exchange.
  • Keep in mind that you should adjust settings on both sides to match. If the settings don't match, this can prevent your import from completing.

If you need to cut down on your wait time during troubleshooting, you can manually upload the report instead of waiting for the next scheduled report to run.

  • Click the Upload File option on the Exchange Dashboard to complete this.


Depending on the report and VMS, you may need to adjust your mapping settings. Proper mapping is needed to set match details in the VMS report to data in Exchange and Bullhorn Time & Expense.

If the mappings on your report are non-standard, you may use Custom Mapping.