Web Employee List and Assignment Details


This article contains information about the Employee List and Assignment Details in the Time Management Console.

Employee List

The admin user can view the Employee List from any tab on the TMC. Click on a client's name to display each employee assigned to that location and additional details for the pay period. From the list, you can review details of the Associate’s time card, expenses, approvals, any adjustments that were made to the time card or related attachments.

Icons displayed next to the name reflect additional information. You may hover over each icon for a definition of the icon. The icons are defined in the legend below:

The PRS indicator will show when the “By Assignment” radial button is selected from the Overview screen.

The Employee List column headers include:

  • Saved: Time an associate has entered and saved from web time entry but has not submitted to payroll.
  • Submitted: Displays regular (Reg), overtime (OT), double-time (DT) hours that have been submitted for the pay period and the dollars associated with the time entered.
  • Expense Dollars: Expenses submitted for the pay period.
  • App: displays approved time for the associate for the pay period.
  • UnApp: Displays unapproved time for the associate for the pay period.
  • Disp: Displays time that has been disputed for the associate for the pay period.

View Assignment Details

Click the Details link next the Associate’s name in the Employee List screen to view details about the Associate’s assignments.

From the details screen, you may:

  • Verify that the Associate has registered.
  • Unregister Associate if needed by clicking the Unregister link. Use this if associate registered with the wrong email and wants to re-register with the correct one.
  • View the Associate’s contact information or preferences.
  • View the Associate’s Time Entry Settings and Pay Types.
  • Verify the assignment information is correct.
  • Verify that the approvers are correct.

If new associates have logon issues, this is the best place to verify that their assignment is active and that they are trying to logon with the correct email address. If their assignment is not active, you will need to update it in your front office system. Updates from your system are sent to Bullhorn Time & Expense each day.