Unapproved Time Tab


The Unapproved Time tab is used to monitor employees with unapproved time or to dispute time by the client. Users may perform several tasks from this tab, including:

View Approver Communications

View Communications displays all communications to the client approver.

  • Request is the initial approval request.
  • Followup is the second approval request.
  • Escalation is the third request to the escalation or secondary approver.
  • Manual is a reminder sent by the user from the TMC.

You may view communications for a specific client or view all communications.

Send Approval Requests

  • Click Send Request to send an email to the client approver to remind them to approve the associate’s time for the week.
  • Click Send All Reminders to send email reminders to any approver who has not approved time for the current pay period.

Manage Alternate Approvers

Add Alternate Approver

If you know a client is not available to approve time, you may add an Alternate Approver, and then send a manual request to approve time.

  1. Click the Approver’s email address from the Unapproved Time tab to launch the Alternate User Info area at the bottom of the window.
  2. Enter the name, email address, and date range for the alternate approver.
  3. Select Submit when you are done.

Remove Alternate Approver

  • If you want to remove an Alternate Approver, select the approver's details from the Unapproved Time tab and select Remove alternate user in the window that appears.
  • Click Submit when you are done.

Add Multiple Alternate Approvers

If this feature is enabled, multiple approvers may be manually added to receive approval requests from Bullhorn Time & Expense.

  • To add additional approvers, click Add another alternate in the window and enter the name, email address, and start/end date for receiving approval requests.
  • To save your changes, click Submit.

In addition to adding alternate approvers, you may complete the following actions:

  • Remove last row- Deletes the last alternate approver row. Will not remove an alternate approver. Choose Deactivate to complete this.
  • Show previous changes- Allows the auditing of alternate approver changes.
  • Deactivate- Fill in the box and click Submit to delete an alternate approver's information.

This feature is disabled by default. Please contact Bullhorn Time & Expense Support to enable this.

Don't see the approver details in Unapproved Time?

If you do not see the approver listed in the Unapproved Time Tab, you can still assign an alternate approver in most cases.

  1. Select the View All Communications link.

  2. In the window that appears, find the approver that needs an alternate, and select that name in the Recipient column to launch the Alternate User Info window.
  3. Scroll to the lower portion of that screen and fill in the fields needed for your alternate approver.
  4. Click Submit when done.

Process Disputes

To process a Dispute from the Unapproved Time Tab, select the Approval Options link to the right of the employee's name and assignment information.

Next, select an option to adjust time:

  • Pay Don't Bill: This will pay the employee for the time worked, but removes billing for the client.
  • Don't Pay Don't Bill: If the client approver removed hours during the dispute, those hours will be removed if the branch administrator chooses this option.
    • If the client approver added hours during the dispute, those hours will be added if the administrator chooses this option.
  • Ignore Dispute: This will discard any modifications made by the client approver. Depending on the dispute, you may be prompted to make additional adjustments to UDFs or other values.
  • Show Details: This will display details and comments related to the dispute.

The dispute resolution options outlined above may not be available in all cases.

Depending on the dispute, you may be prompted to make additional adjustments to UDFs or other values.

Disputes and UDF Adjustments

If an approver has modified or adjusted time and UDF entries must match entries for worked hours, you may have to adjust the value of UDFs before the dispute is resolved.

In this example, the employee originally entered 8.75 hours with 8.75 UDF (or task) hours for Monday 2/1/2016. The approver disputed the total hours for the day, and the worked time was adjusted down to 8.25 hours.

  • In order to resolve the dispute, the Task Hours must match the Hours for the day.
  • To proceed, the administrator must change the Task Hours to 8.25.
  • After making any adjustments to UDF hours, click Submit.

Processing a dispute from an individual time card? Check out Processing Disputes.

Approve Time

You may approve time from the Unapproved Time tab. Click Approve to approve an individual assignment.

  • You may also view additional details about time by clicking Details.

Approve Multiple Assignments

You can also approve multiple assignments at once from the Unapproved Time tab.

  1. Select all assignments for a client within a branch using the check box to the right of the client name.

  1. Select multiple assignments using the check box to the right of the assignment number and hours recorded.

After selecting the time you want to approve, click Approve Selected. The selected assignments will then move to the Approved Time tab.