Unsubmitted Time Tab


The Unsubmitted Time tab displays employees who have an active assignment who have not entered hours for the pay period. Under the Unsubmitted Time tab, users have the following options:

View Communications

View Communications displays a list of system generated messages from Bullhorn Time & Expense or contacts and comments by a client.

  • Request is the initial email reminder.
  • Followup is the second employee email reminder.
  • Manual is a reminder sent by the user from the TMC.

You may view communications for a specific client or view all communications.

Send Employee Time Entry Reminders

If Self is listed as the request type, this indicates employees are responsible for entering their own time.

  • Click the Send Reminder link to send an employee a reminder to enter their time.
  • Click Send All Reminders to send an email or text reminder to any employee who has not entered their time for the pay period.

Select the person you want to send a reminder to and how you want the reminder sent. The text option will not be available if the employee did not register with their cell phone number and carrier.

Send GTS Reminder

You can manually send or resend a Group Time Sheet (GTS) Submitter a reminder to enter time from this tab in Bullhorn Time & Expense. If you see the submitter's name and the envelope icon to the left, this indicates a GTS request.

  • Click Send Reminder to deliver a GTS for the week you've selected. You'll then see a confirmation of the request appear as Reminder sent.
  • Click Send All GTS Reminders to send email requests to all GTS submitters in the group or branch you selected.

Assignment Options

If you are not expecting time for an individual for the week, you can select Exclude from Options to exclude this assignment from your Unsubmitted/Expected time for the week.

  • If an assignment was added to Bullhorn Time & Expense in error, select End Assignment for the current pay period. If you wish to permanently end an assignment, it should be ended in your front office system.
  • You can also Mark as Did Not Work to indicate that the employee did not work on the assignment for the week and will not record time.

Manage assignments in your front office system. Doing this will keep your TMC Dashboard metrics accurate, ensure that your new employees can log in, and ensure that your client approvers receive approval requests.

Did Not Work

You can mark individual or multiple assignments as Did Not Work from the Unsubmitted Time tab. Did Not Work indicates that an employee did not work on an assignment for the given period. Until pay records are sent, employees will still have the ability to modify this status or enter time.

  • Use the check box to the right of the client name to select all assignments for that client.
  • Mark individual assignments using the check box to the right of the assignment number.

After making your selections, click Mark as Did Not Work.

  • When assignments are marked as "Did Not Work", they will then appear in the Approved Time tab.
  • The approver will be indicated as "No Hours" and 0.00 hours will be recorded.

You may remove the Did Not Work indicator in Assignment Summary.

Review Saved Time

From the Unsubmitted Time tab, you can view time entered by an employee that was saved but not submitted in Web Time Entry. Those hours will appear in the Saved Hours column.

Submit Saved Hours

As an administrator, you can either contact the employee directly to remind them to submit the time or submit it on their behalf. To submit the saved hours, click the link in the Saved Hours column.

  • From there, you can review the hours entered by the employee.
  • If you want to proceed and submit the time entered by the employee, click Submit at the top of the window. You can also delete the saved hours using Delete at the bottom of the window.

The time can still be modified by the employee until it is approved or until the pay records are sent for final processing.

View Rejected Time Card Comments

If your agency configuration allows approvers to reject time cards, your Unsubmitted Time tab may include details on any rejected time.

When time is rejected, the approver is required to enter comments regarding that rejection. After the rejection is complete, the time then moves back to an Unsubmitted status.

  • Rejected time is displayed with the reject icon .

To review the approver's comments, hover over the icon.