Editions Available: All Editions Audience: Administrative Users

Automatic Resume Parser


This article provides information on the Automatic Resume Parser feature. The Automatic Resume Parser processes incoming resumes to candidate records in real-time.

Emails Sent to the Parser

With the Automatic Resume Parser, candidate resumes are sent to a designated inbox in Bullhorn.

The parser will attempt to parse the body of an email when no attachment is present.

New Candidates

New records are created and assigned a status of New Lead. Ownership is assigned to the user associated with the resume parsing address, usually the Unassigned account (a placeholder account that is not associated with any specific individual).

Existing Candidates

When an existing candidate (identified by the email address in the resume) emails an updated resume to the resume parser address, Bullhorn does one of two things depending on your corporation settings:

  • Does not parse information over the existing Candidate record. Instead, Bullhorn attaches the new resume to the Files tab.
  • Parses the new resume as an existing candidate. The resume content will automatically update the Candidate Resume field (also displayed on the candidate list preview slideout).
    • The new resume will only be added as an attachment under the Files tab if it has a different file name than the previous resume.

Fields Extracted

The Automatic Resume Parser attempts to extract the following fields from an incoming resume:

  • Name
  • Current Company
  • Job Title
  • Email 1
  • Primary Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone
    • The parser adds a country code before the phone number.
  • Address
  • Category
    • The parser tries to exactly match the job title to a category.
  • Skills
  • Professional Overview/Resume
  • Education
  • Work History

Web Responses

Messages received at a resume parsing address that includes the following code in the email subject line are parsed and added as a Web Response to the designated job.  You may use this feature by requesting that candidates send their resumes in an email with the following subject line format:

Ensure the email subject is no longer than 100 characters, or that the below format is at the beginning of the email subject.


Where [PLID] is your Private Label ID and [JOBPOSTINGID] is the job number that the Web Response should be tracked against.

Parsing Limits

Depending on which Bullhorn product edition your company has, there are limits to how many resumes the application can parse each month. These limits are as follows:

  • Enterprise Edition: maximum of 50,000 emails/resumes parsed per month.
  • Corporate Edition: maximum of 25,000 emails/resumes parsed per month.
  • Team Edition: maximum of 10,000 emails/resumes parsed per month.

Accessing Parsing Results

While the parser runs completely in the background and requires almost no managing, there may be occasions where you need to review the inbox to troubleshoot issues.

  1. From your Bullhorn menu, open the Tools folder.
  2. Select Parsing Results.
  3. In the Selected User dropdown, choose the Unassigned User.

Additional Information

Checkout the following articles for further information:

If you require more assistance with the Automatic Resume Parser, contact Bullhorn Support.