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Running the Recruiter Dashboard

You can use the Recruiter Dashboard to look at recruiting activity and performance against goals for the current month; it comprises eight reports:

  • Recruiting Activity
  • Placement Actual to Goal
  • Placements (estimated) Revenue
  • Assigned/Owned Job Without Coverage
  • Submissions Without Status Change in 5 Days
  • Client Submissions Without Status Change in 5 days
  • Interviews Without Status Change in 5 Days
  • Placements ending in the next 30 days

Bullhorn is pulling data based on candidate submitter; activity is credited to the person who added the candidate submission (regardless of who owns the candidate).

Note: The Recruiter Dashboard for Managers displays the same data as this report, only it allows you to choose the user whose dashboard to view (as opposed to only displaying your own dashboard). This should not be confused with the Recruiting Manager Dashboard.

The following tables describe each report. Note that report titles may differ depending on your company's terminology.

Recruiting Activity

Charts to show activity for the current month. The colors indicate the monthly progress against goals:

  • Red - 0%-50% of target goal
  • Yellow - 50%-100% of target goal
  • Green - Above target goal

The following is not counted:

  • Activity for jobs that have been deleted or have a status of Archive.
  • Submissions with a status of New Lead.
  • Placements with a status of Archive.




Number of notes you added against a candidate record this month with a note type of Prescreen or Screened


Number of submissions created this month for a candidate.

Client Submissions

Number of client submissions created this month.


Number of appointments added where the:

  • Appointment type includes the word Interview
  • Job and candidate are referenced
  • Date falls within this month

Number of submissions where the status changed to Offer Extended within this month.


Number of placements added this month for candidates that have a current or prior status of Approved.


Placements Actual to Goal

Number of placements for each month this year where the placement has:

  • A current or prior status of Approved
  • A date added within the current month
  • You as the candidate owner or candidate submitter

Placements that were deleted or that have a status of Archive, are not counted.

Placements (estimated) Revenue

Estimated revenue for permanent jobs and contract jobs this year. Placements that were deleted or that have a status of Archive are not counted.




Revenue for permanent placements. Placements must have the following:

  • A current or prior status of Approved
  • A "date added" value between January 1st and today
  • A fee and salary

Permanent revenue is calculated using this formula:

  • Placement Fee x Placement Salary = Permanent Placement Revenue

Revenue for contract placements. Placements must have the following:

  • A current or prior status of Approved
  • A "date added" value between January 1st and today
  • A pay rate and bill rate

Contract revenue is calculated using this formula:

  • Start Date - End Date = Days Worked (only counts Monday - Friday)
  • Bill Rate x Days Worked = Estimated Revenue

If Pay Unit is…

then Days Worked is…


Days Worked x 8


Days Worked


Days Worked / 5


Days Worked / 21

If the Pay Unit does not match any of the above, Bullhorn defaults to hour.


Assigned/Owned Jobs Without Coverage

List of open jobs that you own or that you are assigned to, that do not have client submissions.




Job's Bullhorn identification number and job title.


Company associated with the job.


Contact listed on the job.


Added Date the job was added to Bullhorn.


Submissions Without Status Change in 5 Days

List of submissions where:

  • There are no client submissions or interviews.
  • The status has not changed in the past five days.
  • The status is not New Lead.

Submissions remain on the list for 30 days or until the submission status is changed.




Candidate submitted to the job.


Bullhorn identification number and title of the job to which the submission was made.


Company associated with the job.

Last Update

Date the submission status was last updated.

Current Status

Current status of the submission.


Client Submissions Without Status Change in 5 Days

List of client submissions where:

  • There are no interviews.
  • The status has not changed in the past five days.
  • The status is not New Lead.

Client submissions remain on the list for 30 days or until the submission status is changed.




Candidate submitted to the contact.


Bullhorn identification number and title of the job for which the client submission was made.


Company associated with the job.

Last Update

Date the client submission status was last changed.

Current Status

Current status of the client submission.


Interviews Without Status Change in 5 Days

List of interviews where:

  • The appointment type includes the word Interview.
  • A job and candidate are referenced.
  • The submission status has not changed in the past five days.

Interviews remain on the list for 30 days or until the submission status is changed.




Candidate associated with the interview.


Bullhorn identification number and title of the job with which the interview is associated.


Company associated with the job.

Last Update

Date the interview status was last changed.

Current Status

Current status of the interview.


Placements Ending in the Next 30 Days

List of placements with a status of Approved and an end date in the next 30 days.




Candidate placed in the job.


Bullhorn identification number and title of the job associated with the placement.


Company associated with the job.

End Date Date the placement is scheduled to end.



  • Understanding Bullhorn Standard Reports