Editions Available: Enterprise Audience: All Users

Understanding the Job Dashboard

The job list features a Dashboard view that, composed of cards, allows a more visual insight into your metrics. To view the dashboard, click the Dashboard button  at the top of the job list (to the left of the search field).

Most cards allow you to toggle between both a list  and a graph  format, and all allow you to filter and configure  the data based on certain fields, such as Status, Open/Closed, Ownership, etc., as well as change the title of the card. You can add the individual cards to your dashboard via the Add Card drop-down in the upper-right corner of the page and then drag and drop them into a desired order. You can even add the same card more than once and apply various filters to view different sets of data. Any filters you apply are sticky unless you specifically remove the card from the dashboard.

Jobs that users have archived are not included in any of these cards by default; however, for the cards that allow you to filter by status, you may choose Archive as an option.


  • To ensure you're always seeing the most up-to-date data, we recommend manually refreshing  each card frequently.

  • For each card, both the User and Department filters are based on the Owner and Assigned To fields on the job record.

Jobs by Age

Jobs without Coverage

Success Rates

Response Time

Jobs by Business Sector

Jobs by Category

Jobs by Skill