Creating Custom Groups in Bullhorn Reporting (Previously Canvas)

Grouping your report data is a great way to easily display information in a relevant way.


The custom group we will create assumes we want to group candidates by their Rating, where you rate your candidates on a scale of 1-4, where 1-2 = Hot and 3-4 = Cold.

  1. Make sure your report includes the fields Candidate Name, Rating and Status columns.
    • From Insertable Objects, click Candidate, then double-click Name then double-click Status. Rating, in this case, is a custom field, so you will double-click a Custom Text field.
  2. In the table, double-click the Custom Text field.
  3. In the Data item expression - Custom Text pop-up, in the Name field, type "Rating", then click OK.
  4. With the Rating column highlighted, select Insert Calculation, then click Define Custom Groups…
  5. Click on New Group Entry and select New Range Group…
  6. In the Define custom range group pop-up, in the Group Name field, type your name for the custom group.
    • In our example, we’ll use "Hot".
  7. Select the radio buttons under From and To. These will allow you to type in a value to define your range. Type in those values, and click OK.
    • In our example, we’ll use "1" and "2", respectively.
  8. Repeat the last three steps for the next group. Name this "Cold" with values From "3" and To "4".
  9. In the Define custom groups pane, under Remaining values (including future values), select the radio button for Do not show remaining values.
  10. Under New data item name, select Use the custom name and enter the name you’d like to give your custom group.
    • In our example, we’ll use "Temperature".
  11. To section the report between the groupings, select the column header for Temperature.
  12. On the toolbar, select Section / unsection, the click Section / unsection again.
  13. The field Temperature moves from a column to a header just above your columns.
  14. ​To clean up the report and display the data a little neater, sort the Rating field by clicking on the Rating column, Sort, and then either Ascending or Descending.
  15. Run the report.