Job Off Limits Policy Job Lifecycle


The policy start date:

The Job Off Limit policy starts immediately.

Updated Records

If an existing policy is updated, no validation regarding the Start Date value will come up unless you update the Start Date field. The following is how the validation messages behave:

  • Start Date not updated: No validation message will be triggered if the Start Date is not touched.
  • Start Date updated: A validation message will be triggered if the Start Date is entered for a date that is prior to the date of creation (i.e today's date).


The candidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. stays Off Limits for the period defined by the Start of AssignmentClosed A Job position plus the Duration.

The Duration is the number of days related to a date in the Job or PlacementClosed The stage that occurs after a candidate accepts a job offer and facilitates their information being copied to the back office. status. The choice of the date type is provided by the Policy Expiration Based On dropdown (picklist), which has the following values:

  • Expiration based on Job Start Date: The date comes from the Job record's Open Date (TR1__Open_Date__c) field.
  • Expiration based on Job End Date: The date comes from the Job record's Closed Date ( TR1__Closed_Date__c) field.


Once the Job policy is created, the Off Limit constraint will be effective until the policy expiry date (i.e. End Date) is reached. The End Date is on the Job Policy Page Layout.

The policy End Date is based on:

  • Policy Expiration based on plus the Duration
    • Updating this date manually will cause a recalculation of the Duration . This recalculation will use the newly entered value.
      • The recalculation is based on End Date minus the Policy Expiration based on date.

Next Steps

To configure the Off Limits Job Policy, see the Job Off Limit Policy Configuration section of Off Limits: Configuration Guide.