Main Use Case for Job Off Limits Policy

Below is the main use case a Job Off Limit Policy would be in effect.

Trigger ClientClosed A Company is the organization where the contact works. This can also be called the Client. requests XYZ that its employees John Smith, Frank McDonald, and Laura Nash are not to be contacted by XYZ recruiters while the named Job is being filled.
Main Flow
  1. Executive Search firm XYZ signs a contract with CompanyClosed A Company is the organization where the contact works. This can also be called the Client. Acme Inc to fill in Job J1.
  2. Acme Inc requests XYZ that its employees John Smith, Frank McDonald, and Laura Nash are not to be contacted by XYZ recruiters while the named Job is being filled.
  3. To fulfill this obligation, XYZ firm creates a Job Off Limits policy for John Smith, Frank McDonald, and Laura Nash and for Job J1.
  4. John Smith, Frank McDonald and Laura Nash will remain Off Limits for as long as the policy is active.


Next Steps

To configure the Off Limits Job Policy, see the Job Off Limit Policy Configuration section of Off Limits: Configuration Guide.