8 Day Template Time Entry

8 Day Web Time Entry Templates include an extra day of time entry. If you are required to use this time entry method, your agency has determined that you must enter the In and Out times that you worked for the day. If you took any unpaid breaks, you must enter those details in the Break Start and Break End fields. Follow the steps below to enter time in an 8 Day Template.

  1. From your Web Time Entry dashboard, click on the Week Ending Date you need to enter hours for. You will see that your timesheet includes 8 days.
  2. Click into a cell to begin entering time.
  3. Enter the times worked for the day. The AM/PM button is automatically changed based on time entered.

    Pay special attention to the first day of time entry. Your start time must not be before the time indicated. If you enter an invalid time, you will see an error message.

  4. Use the following buttons to edit your time:
    • Add Work: Adds another line to enter more hours for the day.
    • Add Meal: Adds a meal line with Out and In fields to record any unpaid meal breaks.
    • Manage Projects: Allows you to manage the projects you're entering time for.
    • Add Project: Allows you to add a new project to enter time for.
    • Copy to Next Day: Copy the time from the day you're on to the next day.
    • Copy through Friday: Copy the time from the day you're on to everyday thorough Friday.
    • Clear All Entries: Deletes all time entries.
  5. Click the arrows next to the date at the top of the window to navigate between days.
    • Pay special attention to the last day of time entry. You will only be able to enter time as late as the week ending time. If you attempt to enter time after the week ending, you will see an error message.
  6. When you are done, click Save to close the window.
  7. To add a comment to your timesheet for your approver to view, click the Comment button on your timesheet screen and enter your comments in the pop-up window.
  8. When you've finished filling out your time for the whole week, click Submit.

Saved time will appear exactly as entered. Submitted time may shift from one day to another depending on the designated end of day. Confirm the total number of hours for the week has not changed after submitting your timesheet.