Break Exceptions

If you are required to use the Web Time Entry Break Exceptions feature, your agency has determined that you must record details on any breaks that were missed or skipped.

For example: You may have worked a total of 8 hours on your assignment for the day. According to local law, you were required to take a 30 minute unpaid break. If you did not take that unpaid break, you are required to indicate why you did not.

If you did not take a meal break as required by your state law follow the steps below.

  1. After entering your hours for the week, click Submit to submit your timesheet.
  2. Select the appropriate reason for the missed break on the pop up window.
    • If needed, you can correct your timesheet by selecting Modify Timesheet.
    • Options will differ per company. To see your company's break policy click the Show Break Policy link on the pop up window.
  3. Click Submit.