Break Exception Configuration Policies


This article contains information on how managers can configure the text to shown to employees for break policy and attestations.


  1. In the Define your Break Policy field, enter the Break Policy information.
    • The text should describe your agency's policy on work breaks.
    • Enter the text manually or copy and paste the text from another document.
    • Employees can see this text by clicking a Break Policy link in their web application.
  2. In the Define your Employee Attestation Policy field, enter your Attestation statements.
    • You may enter this text manually or copy and paste the text from another document.
    • Employees will be shown this information on an attestation prompt when submitting time.
    • Employees are required to affirm the Attestation Statements before submitting time.

  3. To enter translations for either the Break or Attestation policy, click the L button next to each option.
    • Manually enter or paste the translated content into the French or Spanish fields as needed.
    • Your translations will appear for employees with application preferences for languages outside of English.
  4. When you're done entering translations, click Save and Close.
  5. Click SAVE AND NEXT to confirm your changes and move to Break Exception Responses.
    • Alternatively, select PREV to return to Penalties or Cancel to return to the main configuration menu.