Clock Employee Options


The options here will impact the Break Exceptions experience for employees using Tempo, VTC, and Cloud Clock.

If your setup includes Web Time only, you must complete this screen to proceed to Web Employee Options. Consider leaving both options on this screen set to no to proceed.


With the setting Would you like employees to be able to provide a response to break exceptions at the clock?, managers can determine whether the clock should display exception prompts during use. See (a) in the image below.

  • If the option is set to no, the clock will not display any exception prompts to employees during use. No further prompt configuration is possible.
  • When this option is set to yes, managers may scroll through and set the prompts that should appear to employees in the event of a Break Exception (b). You may choose to exclude specific prompts as well as showing specific responses only.

For the setting Would you like to enable punch lock out during breaks, ensuring employees can't log back in until their break is complete?, managers can indicate whether the clock should block employee punches until the minimum break length is met. See (c) in the below image.

This is used to prevent employees from clocking in and starting work too soon after a break. This restriction may prevent an employee from clocking IN based solely on the last OUT punch.

  • When this option is set to no, no further configuration is allowed.
  • If the option is set to yes, managers may determine the lock out duration in minutes (d).

If the lock out duration is set to 30 minutes and an employee punches OUT to STOP working, that employee must wait at least 30 minutes before they're allowed to punch IN to START working again.

When you're done configuring clock Clock Employee Options, you can click SAVE AND EXIT to proceed to Web Employee Options.