Cloud Clock Layout & Display
This article contains information about the touch screen display and layout of the Cloud Clock.
Cloud Clock Display
- The upper right of the device will display the battery life of the device. As the device has a built in battery, it is capable of operating for a period without being plugged into a power source.
- The Time and Date are displayed in the top center of the device.
- The Wi-Fi status for the iPad is displayed in the upper left of the screen. This indicates whether the iPad is connected to a network but may not indicate whether punches can be transferred to via Wi-Fi.
- The Wi-Fi status for the Cloud Clock app is displayed in the upper right, below the battery life indicator. If you do not see this icon, it means that the device is not able to send punches via Wi-Fi.
iPad Layout
The Cloud Clock is controlled entirely through the touch screen interface, but there are two buttons that are used for functions outside of the Cloud Clock app.
- The Sleep Button is a small button on the top right of the device when holding the device in portrait mode. This button is used to lock the display. If needed, you may also press and hold this button to power the iPad down or turn it back on. This button is not used with the Cloud Clock.
- The camera is used if Photo Capture is enabled. Please make sure that the camera is not blocked to allow clear image capture.
- The Home Button is the large button on the bottom of the screen when holding the device in portrait mode. This button is used to primarily to return to the Home screen from an app. This button is not used with the Cloud Clock.
- The iPad should remain connected to a power supply whenever possible. Connect the power cable to the device where indicated.
Note that neither the Home nor Sleep button will be used for operating the Cloud Clock app.
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