Cloud Clock User Guide


This article contains a high level overview on the features and options of the Cloud Clock.

Cloud Clock Display

The Cloud Clock device is primarily controlled through a touchscreen interface.

If a client has a logo that can be displayed on the device, it will be displayed to the left of the pin pad. If not, the standard Bullhorn Time & Expense logo will display.

If the Cloud Clock is not in use for several minutes, it will enter a screen saver mode. To exit this mode, simply touch the screen.

Manager Mode

The Manager Mode menu provides an administrator with access to send punches, perform clock updates, review employees, and more.

To enter Manager Mode, first touch the Manager Mode button from the PIN Entry screen and enter your Manager PIN.

Clocking IN and OUT

The punch flow follows a slightly different flow from most other clocks. Employees must enter their PINs first. After a valid PIN is entered, the employee will be able to select their name from a list of possible matches. From there, the employee can punch in, punch out, or select Other options.

After an employee clocks in, they are able to view all punches and a total of hours recorded for the week.

Other Options

If an employee selects Other Options after entering their PIN, they are able to configure a number of personal options.
