Guided Access Mode


Guided Access mode is used to temporarily restrict an iOS device to run only a particular app. The iPad will run the selected app until mode it is stopped with the Guided Access mode password.


Set Up Guided Access

  1. Select Settings > Accessibility > Guided Access.
  2. Turn Guided Access on.
  3. Set a pass code that controls the use of Guided Access and prevents someone from leaving an active session.
    • Use something easily remembered by your staff.
  4. Select Display Auto-Lock and then select Never to prevent the screen from turning off.

Start Guided Access Mode for the First Time

  1. Open the app you want to run.
  2. Triple-click the Home button.
  3. Select Start in the upper right.

Exit Guided Access Mode

  1. Triple-click the Home button.
  2. Enter the Guided Access pass code.
  3. Select End in the upper left.
  4. If you see a message that displays Guided Access Ended you can press the Home button once to exit.

Restart Guided Access Mode

  • If you have already set up guided access for the Cloud Clock app and need to start it again, triple click the home button after opening the app.
    • Guided Access has resumed if you see Guided Access Started on screen.


How can I tell if an app is running in Guided Access Mode?

Review the top of the screen for a guided access status message after pressing the Home button once.

What if I incorrectly enter the pass code when trying to disable Guided Access?

A security setting will force you to wait a length of time before your next attempt.

What if I need more help with Guided Access mode?

Contact Bullhorn Time & Expense Support.