Actions and Journal - Essentials Web App


This article contains information about Actions and Journal. Actions are used in Invenias to record activities such as Telephone calls and Notes. All actions are saved into the Invenias Journal and users can select to save Actions to the Journal of selected People, Company, Assignment or Programme Records.

There are many places where you can create an action in Invenias, the actions themselves will be described first, then the locations where can be launched will be detailed.

This Article Covers:

Telephone Action & Introduction to Action Features

Note Action

Viewing the Journal Tab inside a Record

Telephone Action & Introduction to Action Features

Many actions contain common features, these will be described in detail in this section of the article, along with an explanation of this particular action.

This action is used to record a Telephone call:

The Invenias user can specify which Records this action is saved to in the section shown below:

Depending on where this action is started from, some of these fields will be auto-populated. For instance, if a Telephone call action is created for a Candidate from the Candidates tab in an Assignment, the Candidate will be added to the People section, and the Assignment added to the Assignments section.

When the action is first created, the user can change the date and time:

This allows a user to record their actions at a later date to when the action took place. Note that all actions have a Created Date which is used for reporting purposes and is different to the date/time recorded in the action.

The Subject Field allows a user to document the subject of the call.

The Type field presents the user with a list of Types to select from:

The Type can be used to classify the purpose of the call i.e. Business Development, Candidate update etc. This list can be customized and the process to do so is described here.

The central section in this action allows the user to record what happened on the call. The nature of the call, any outcomes, etc.

Confidential - Each Invenias User is assigned to a User Permissions Group by a Systems Administrator. If a journal item is marked as Confidential it means that it will be hidden to all other users who are at a lower permission group than the owner of the journal action.

Pin to Journal - Pinned Journal items will always appear first when viewing the Journal of any Record this item has been saved to. It should be used as a means of marking the most important items.

Note Action

Notes can be recorded using this action:

The fields in the note action are identical to those previously described in the Telephone action except the Meetings Field.

Meetings Field - This field allows the user to Link this note to an Appointment or Meeting action.

Viewing the Journal Tab inside a Record

Open any People, Company, Assignment or Programme Record and select the Journal Tab.