Invenias Profile - Essentials Web App


The Invenias Profile is a new, customisable, social style profile for records that supports two use cases:

  • It can be used by the internal user (Professional User) to review information about each Person in their database in their preferred order; and
  • It can be used to share the information about a Candidate with an external user (Client User) in addition or as a replacement for the CV/Résumé.

When the profile is used as part of client sharing, subject to permissions, the user will select a profile for a specific assignment in order to publish the assignment, however, in a future release the user should then be able to modify the profile for each individual candidate in that assignment or revert back to the selected default for that assignment.

This article covers:

Viewing the Profile

The Profile is available in the Person Record and all People Lists including but not limited to the main People List, Candidates List, People in a Programme, People Search Results.

The Profile is an aggregation of many different data points within the Person Record and Candidate Assignment Details if looking at Candidate in an Assignment. The current list of sections available in the Profile are as follows:

  • Assignment Details (if looking at a Candidate in an Assignment)
  • Bio
  • Categories
  • Contact Details
  • Documents
  • Education
  • Experience - Current and Previous Positions
  • Internal Comments
  • Social Profiles
  • Summary

The order of these sections and settings within them can be customized. After making changes to the Profile, the new layout can be saved as a new template for future use. Switching between different profiles is discussed below, as is the editing of Profile Templates.

Viewing a different Profile Template

To view the list of Profile Templates, click the ellipsis icon at the top right hand side of the current Profile.

This will open the Profile menu where you can select a different Profile from the list available. You will also notice the options to either edit the current template or open the modify templates window to manage the profile template to which you have access. The current profile template you're viewing will be highlighted (in blue) and clicking on another template will close the menu and change the template to the one you selected.

Editing a Profile Template

Profile Templates can be customised in a few ways, after which the new layout can be saved for future use. The editing options for each section with the Profile Template are as follows:

  • Settings: Tweak the settings for this section (not available for all sections)
  • Move Down: Re-position this section by moving it down
  • Move Up: Re-position this section by moving it up
  • Visibility: Toggling the section's visibility to either show it or hide it

Profile Template Sections

The list of sections and their settings are as follows:

Assignment Details

This section is only visible when viewing a Candidate in an Assignment.

The settings for this section are to control the visibility of the following options:

  • Group
  • Progress Status
  • Progress Notes
  • Fit to Profile
  • Internal Comments
  • Modified by Date & Person
  • Added by Date & Person


This section has no additional settings. It can only be shown/hidden or moved up/down.


The settings for this section are unique to your database as it lists all Category Lists enabled for People Records. Each Category Lists can be shown/hidden as required.

Contact Details

The settings for this section lists all phone numbers and email addresses, so each phone number and/or email address can be shown/hidden as required.


The settings for this section are to control the visibility of the following options:

  • Document Type
  • Modified Date/By


The settings for this section are:

  • No. of Qualifications - specify how many qualifications should be visible
  • Ordering - either newest first or oldest first
  • Description - show/hide

Experience - Current and Previous Positions

The settings for this section must be specified for both the list of current and previous positions:

  • No. of Positions - specify how many qualifications should be visible
  • Ordering - either newest first or oldest first
  • Fields to show/hide

    • Description
    • Remuneration
    • Reason for Leaving
    • Manager(s)
    • Assistant(s)

Internal Comments

This section has no additional settings. It can only be shown/hidden or moved up/down.

Social Profiles

The settings for this section lists all websites, which are configured in the Web Tabs section of System Preferences, so each web link can be shown/hidden as required.


This section has no additional settings. It can only be shown/hidden or moved up/down.

Saving Changes

When editing the Profile Template, the following controls can be found at the bottom of the Profile with options to Save, Save As and Cancel.

Clicking Save will overwrite the existing Profile Template you're currently editing.

Clicking Save As will open the Save As popup window, where you can specify:

  • Name: a name for the new template
  • Type: whether or the template should be Global or User; "Global" templates are available to all users and "User" templates are only available to you
  • Default: an option to specify if this new template should be your default whenever you view a Profile for a Person.

Clicking Cancel will exit the edit mode, returning you back to "view" mode.

Modify Templates

The Modify Templates lists all Profile Templates to which you have access, showing both Global and User views. You can see who created the template, when it was last modified, and who modified it.

To rename a template, simply click on the name and edit it as desired.

To delete a template, select a template and click the Delete Template button.

To specify which template should be your default, select the desired template and click the Make Default button.