Assignment Research - Essentials Web App


This article contains information about the Assignment Research- Essentials Web App. The Research Tab within an Assignment Record allows a User to record their Research Progress for the Assignment, broken down into Target Companies, Referral Partners, Assignments and Programmes.

This article covers:

Target Companies Tab

The Target Companies tab allows users to list the Companies selected as Target Companies for this Assignment:

A user can define the progress of the research by using the Progress Status, Progress Notes, Internal Comments fields. Please note, Progress Statuses can be customized in System Preferences, click here for a guide on how to customize a status.

Assignments Tab

This tab can be used to list any prior Assignments which can be referenced to aid the research of this Assignment. For example, if you previously filled a similar position, the time already invested in the research for that role can be used in the new Assignment by reviewing the Candidates, Target Companies and Referral Partners from the previous Assignment and adding them into the new Assignment if appropriate. This can save considerable time spent on research for this new Assignment.

Progress can be defined by using the Progress Status and Progress Notes fields.

Progress Statuses can be customized in System Preferences, click here for a guide on how to customize a status. 

Programmes Tab

This tab can be used to list any Programmes which are directly connected to the research of this Assignment. For example, you may create a Programme for managing a campaign to attract Candidates for this role. You can define the progress of each Programme by using the Progress Status, Progress Notes and Internal Comments fields.

Progress Statuses can be customized in System Preferences, click here for a guide on how to customize a status.