Off Limits Policies Successful Candidate How It Works

When a candidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. is flagged as Off Limits under the Successful Candidate Policy below are the steps the system goes through:

  1. You move Candidate the Candidate to Closing ReportClosed Fifth Stage of Job placement flow, a Candidate that reaches the Closing Report Placement stage has been assigned to a job. In BH4SF, a 'Closing Report' is a record that captures all the information related to the newly filled position (name of Candidate, position, salary, start date, which recruiter gets credit for the hire etc.) stage in ATS.
  2. Successful Off Limits Policy is created.
  3. Successful Candidate  Off Limits Policy lifecycle is initiated.
    • The system automatically creates a Successful Candidate Off Limit policy.
      • This policy can be created when the Closing Report is saved or at a later time.
    • For more information on Off Limits Policy lifecycle, see Off Limits Policies Successful Candidate Lifecycle.
  4. The Candidate is officially Off Limits.

If you want to know more about the Off Limits Successful Candidate Policy, see Off Limits Policies Successful Candidate.