Bullhorn for Salesforce Release Notes

October 2020 (2020.10 GA Release) - Package Version 5.31.1

Since the last general release (2020.06 GA Release) we have been busy with the following:

  • Development of new and enhanced features.
  • Infrastructure work focused on improving performance when indexing/syncing data between Bullhorn for Salesforce and Textkernel.
  • Minor enhancements.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Coming Soon...

New and Enhanced Features

Email Opt-Out

The 2020 Email Editor Email Opt-Out allows ContactsClosed A contact (or client contact) is the person who the recruiter is working with at a Company. In Talent Rover a Contact can be either a Client Contact or a Candidate Contact. Both types of Contacts are stored in the same object (Contact). to express their preferences for the type of emails they wish to receive. System Administrators are able to define Email Types which are then listed in outgoing emails so recipients can decide if they want to unsubscribe (opt-out) from any of them. Contacts that have opted out of a particular email type will be excluded from receiving all future emails of that type.


  • Bullhorn for Salesforce 2020.08 Release or newer.
  • The 2020 Email Editor is enabled.
  • Salesforce Lightning is enabled.
  • The Org uses the ATS v2 data model.

Minimal configuration required.

See 2020 Email Editor: Email Opt-Out for more information.

Account Pool v2

Account PoolClosed A Set/Pool of automatically created Accounts that Candidates can be assigned to through an automated process v2 is a new version of the existing Account Pool feature designed especially for Orgs with a high volume of data and transactions. In Salesforce, Contacts created without an Account are private contacts and have limited visibility. The Account Pool functionality resolves this issue by automatically assigning newly created Contacts to a default CandidatesClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. Account.

  • Account Pool v2 automatically assigns any newly created Contact to a chosen default Account.
  • A round-robin strategy can be used for assignment and Contacts are re-balanced across accounts when needed.
  • Designed to overcome limitations and issues that arise in Orgs with a high volume of data and transactions.

Some configuration required.

See Account Contact Limits: Account Pool v2 for more information.

Textkernel Search + Match Integration

Textkernel Search + Match brings multiple types of searches together onto a single tabbed page, allowing recruiters to easily search through resumes, contact records, and jobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. postings from within their Org to match the best candidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. with the right job.

  • Candidate Search: This allows recruiters to search Candidate records and resumes in their Org. Users can begin a search by entering keywords into the semantic search engine and then further refine and filter their searches using facets and breadcrumbs.
  • Job Search: This tab works in the same way as Candidate Search except it searches Job records within the Org rather than Candidates.
  • Match!: Each Candidate or Job result includes a Match! button to help match jobsClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. to candidates. Clicking the Match! button on a Candidate Search result will show suitable jobs for the candidate. Clicking Match! from a Job Search result will show candidates that match the job requirements.
  • External Job BoardClosed A website where open jobs are advertised Search: The External Job Board Search gives users access to search all External Job Boards that Textkernel has partnered with that the user also has credentials for.
  • Import Candidates: For external job boards that allow candidate data to be downloaded, the Import Candidates functionality allows users to import a candidate from an external search into Bullhorn for Salesforce via Search and Match.

Configuration required.

See Textkernel Search + Match: Overview for more information.

Infrastructure Work: BHTK Module Enhancements

The BHTK Module enables the Bullhorn for Salesforce core package to integrate with the search provider, Textkernel. The following functionalities are supported:

  • Textkernel Search + Match.
  • Syncing / Indexing data from Salesforce into Textkernel.

This module has been enhanced to make it more robust and had settings added that make it more flexible and scalable. Improvements to the indexing process will continue with the goal of ultimately moving BHTK indexing jobs off the Salesforce Platform to ensure optimized performance regardless of the volume of records involved.

See BHTK Module for more information.

Minor Enhancements

The following options have been added:

See October 2020 Release: Minor Enhancements for more information and configuration instructions for these changes.

Coming Soon

  • Resume Manager 6: An updated Resume Manager will be rolled out once testing has been completed. This update brings a significant improvement to the success rate when editing and formatting resumes, especially PDF files. There is no configuration required.