June 2021 Release: Minor Enhancements
2021.06 GA Release - Package Version 5.67
: Global Email Editor
Global Email Editor is a globally available
component that adds send email functionality on custom pages and outside the managed package. Global Component documentation available on request.: Option to Default Selection of Default Resume Component to None
is enabled in an Org, the following four pages will show the Default Resume Component :- Share CV
- Call List: Candidate
A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. Marketing Record Type
- Submit With Email
- Send Out
The third Stage of Job application flow. This is when the recruiter sets up a job interview between Candidate and Client. Schedule: Only in emails to Interviewers
Previously, the default resume of any selected candidate is attached to the email via this section, which is pre-populated with the file. There is now a setting that enables System Administrators to default the selection to None.
Configuration Steps
- Go to Setup > Custom Settings > Talent Rover Properties.
- Enable the Do Not Attach Default Resume checkbox and click Save.
: Add Attachment Performance Improved
In Orgs with high volume of data, attaching a file from a 2020 Email Editor page could take up to 20 seconds. The following changes were made to improve performance:
- The default number of records shown in the attachments page is set to 50.
- If the logged-in user has access to more than 50 files, a warning will be displayed: "Currently displaying the 50 most recently modified files. To find more, use the search function".
- Record visibility for the logged-in user is respected.
- The criteria for displaying the files is “Last Modified Date” (most recent on top).
- Same logic applies to all the available options for file source (Owned by me/shared with me/Libraries/Job
A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement./Account).
- Same logic applies to all email pages that use 2020 Email Editor.
No configuration required.
: Bulk Action Mode ATSv2 High Volume Alignment
The process used by 2020 Email Editor to send large numbers of emails at one time has been updated to align with the ATSv2 In Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud, the newest version of the ATS tool (Application Tracking System) High Volume framework to make the behavior and configuration settings consistent.
Configuration only required for existing Orgs.
Configuration Steps
- Go to Bulk Action
An action that is performed for a large volume of data (for example, an email sent after selecting a large number of Candidates) Definitions > EML_BulkMailer record.
- Populate the Processed In Transaction field and with a value of 1. (This field may need to be added to the page layout)
: SendOut Flow Improvements
The SendOut A Client Submission (Sendouts, CV Sent) occurs when a recruiter sends a candidate to the hiring manager for approval to have an interview. page has been adjusted to improve performance. Candidate resume data is no longer retrieved when not needed. File size is now available as a field on the page and recorded when the resume is initially added instead of being requested each time.
Configuration Steps
Ensure users have Read/Write access to the new File Size field on the Contact Document Object.
: Additional Name Fields Available
Two additional fields are now available in the ATS View of
under the Candidate Name, one from the Contact object and one from the object. If the fields are empty no additional field will be displayed in ATS View. Supported types of fields are text, phone, email, URL, picklist (except multi picklist), and formula fields.Configuration Steps
- Go to Custom Settings > Manage ATS configuration settings > Edit.
- Fill in the fields Application
First stage of Job placement flow (Application> Submittal>Interview>Offer> Placement) Field Name and Candidate Field Name (use the API
API, or Application Programming Interface, is used by customers to create custom career portals or to take advantage of Data Mirror/DataMart. Bullhorn prefers to use REST API. field name).
: Saved Search Changes
Currently, when a Search is saved and named it is displayed in Saved Searches with the Name and the Boolean String used for the search. New in this release is an Advanced Search column showing what criteria were used in that search.
: Change the Default Tab for Candidate Workspace
When results are returned in
, the Candidate Workspace opens on the Resume sub-tab. There is now a setting where System Administrators can set which sub-tab is the default sub-tab.Configuration Steps
- Go to Setup > Custom Settings > DaxtraSearch Properties. Either create a new record or update an existing one
- In the Search Results Default Tab field enter one of the following values for which sub-tab should be selected by default:
- resume
- activities
- collaboration
- location
- details
- Related_lists
: Numbering Addition to the Search Results
It is now possible to show numbering alongside the candidate checkboxes when Search Results are returned. The numbering only relates to the Matching score (the numbering increases as the matching scores decreases). If the sorting order is changed based on any other value selected from the sorting drop-down (like full name, etc.), the numbering is not re-set.
Configuration Steps
- Go to Setup > Custom Settings > DaxtraSearch Properties. Either create a new record or update an existing one.
- Enable the Enable Search Result Numbering checkbox.
: Account Record Type Definition
When an Account is created in an Org from the
configuration, it is created with the record type matching the default record type assigned to the logged-in user for the object. It is now possible to override this and set a standard default record type.Configuration Steps
- Go to the one existing record created for the object in the Org (there is only one per Org).
- Populate the new Account Record Type with the API name of the Account Record type that new accounts should default to.
- If the field is left empty then the account will be created with the default logged-in user record type. If the field is populated with a wrong record type name or inactive record type then the account will be created with the default logged-in user record type.
Call List: Combine Call List Record Type
When users combined call lists, the Call List default record type assigned to the logged-in user was used for the new Call List. There is now a drop-down field in the first step of the Combine Call List wizard pre-populated with the record type of the original (source) Call List. The user can also select a different value from the drop-down if required. The value selected here will determine the record type of the new/combined Call List.
No configuration required.
Global: Enable/Disable Any Core Package Trigger
The Triggers Configuration Custom Settings now includes all 44 managed package triggers. System Administrators or Data Migration teams can disable any of these triggers at Org, Profile, or User In Salesforce terminology, this is anybody that has login access to an instance. In Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud instances, usually the staff of recruiting companies level.
Configuration Steps
- Go to Setup > Custom Settings > Triggers Configuration.
- Under the appropriate hierarchy level (Default Organization, Profile, or User level) click New to create a new record.
- Enable/ Disable the required triggers.