Mobile Clock Fix Punch


If enabled, Bullhorn Time and Expense Mobile will prompt employees to correct missing punches.


If you have a missing punch, Bullhorn Time and Expense Mobile will display an alert on the Punch In or Out screen.

  1. Touch the Punch Missing! alert on the screen.
  2. After you touch the alert, you will see the punches that are considered missing.
  3. In this example, Arnold forgot to punch out at the end of the day on Thursday.
    • Arnold's In punch is listed as 5:19 a.m.
    • Arnold's Out punch is missing.

  4. When you're ready to make a correction, touch the blank field
  5. Find the correct time for the missing punch.
    • If needed, you may touch the screen and choose a different day for the missing punch.
  6. To delete the punch, touch the Delete icon on the right.
    • This will cause the missing punch to carry the exact same time as the punch that was recorded and will zero out the time for the punch pair.

  7. When you're done making punch corrections, review and ensure that all details look correct.
  8. When you're ready to submit the corrected punch, touch Submit All for Approval.
  9. After you submit a punch correction, you will see a confirmation the punch was submitted successfully.