Punch Location Viewer


You may review punch location data when signed in to your Bullhorn Time & Expense account. You may access punch location data in one of two ways. Depending on your configuration, one or both options may be available.


  1. Click the Map button located at the bottom of the Employee List to view more location and punch data.
    • If you have access to multiple clock sites with in a single group, you must first click on a clock site to access its Employee List.

  2. Click the Pinpoint icon to the right of the clock site name to see more information on punch location data.
    • You will typically see this icon if you have more than one clock site in your clock group.

Geofence Map & Punch Filter

Bullhorn Time & Expense will open a new tab in your browser that displays punch location details for your clock site. At a glance, you will see recent punches in the punch list as well as the locations of the Geofence on the map on the right.

To see where a punch was completed on the map, just click a row and then look at the map. You'll then be able to see the location of the punch pair you selected.

In the list, you may determine if the punches took place inside or outside of the Geofence or if the punches did not include location data.

  • Punches from inside the Geofence will be listed in black text.
  • Punches outside of the Geofence are listed in orange.
  • If a punch did not come from Bullhorn Time & Expense Mobile, it will be listed in blue.
  • If no location data was captured with the punch, it will be marked with a Caution icon .
  • Punches outside of the map are listed in gray.
  • IN punches are shown on the map in green. OUT punches are shown in red.

You may use the filtering system to find additional punch details or limit the number of punches shown. Set your filtering options and then click Search.

  • Search by Employee Name or ID to find punches just for a specific employee.
  • Filter by Department to see only punches for a particular department in Bullhorn Time & Expense.
  • Use the Date menu to limit the punches displayed to a particular date range.
  • Limit the punches displayed to those from a specific time range using the Time filters on the left.
  • Sort by the Type of punch in the drop down menu
  • Check or uncheck to change your view to display all punches or only those captured outside of the Geofence.

You may also use the map features on the right to zoom in and out. You may also change the number of punches that display by change the Show entries value in the lower left.

Not seeing any punches in the Punch Viewer? The punches available in Punch Viewer are based on individual clock site. If there are multiple clocks within a group, you may only review punches for the clock site you select from the list. Try returning to the clock site list and choose the clock site where the punches were generated.