Configuring Pulse Phone Activity

You're able to specify the note actions that determine inbound and outbound calls within the Phone Conversation Activity card. As an example, you might want to specify that the "Left Message" note action is for outbound calls. Notes logged in the past notes factor into the card analytics.

Note actions are defined in the Notes Contact Field Map. For more information, view the Understanding Bullhorn System Settings article.

Configuring Note Actions

  1. From the Bullhorn Menu select Pulse HQ.
    • S-Release: From the Tools menu select Pulse HQ.
  2. Select Phone Activity.
  3. From the Inbound Calls picker, select the note action types that users would use to log any kind of inbound call activity.
  4. From the Outbound Calls picker, select the note action types that users would use to log any kind of outbound call activity.
  5. Click