Editions Available: Corporate;Enterprise Audience: Administrative Users

Updating the Note Actions List

Updating Note Actions

Navigate to Menu > Admin > System Settings and search for commentActionList.

  • S-Release: Navigate to Menu > Tools > System Settings and search for commentActionList.

Additional Information

  • You will need to log out and back in after making changes to system settings.
  • Values need to be comma separated with no spaces in between.
    • Example: Prescreen,Outbound Call,Inbound Call,Left Email
  • Note actions are limited to 30 characters and should not contain special characters.
  • If you remove a note action that exists on a note, the note and action will be retained. You will be unable to use or filter for the specific note action until it is added back.
  • Changing a note action will not retroactively update note actions for existing notes of that type.
  • The rememberLastCommentAction system setting automatically populates the Add Note screen with the last note action used.
  • For the standard reports to function, you must add "Client Visit" and "Prescreen" or "Screened" as note action values.
    • ​UK clients should also add "AWR 12 Week Checkin" as a note action value.

S-Release Only

  • The first value within commentActionList will populate the default note action under the Select an Action button on records: