Editions Available: Corporate;Enterprise Audience: Administrative Users

Updating the List of Submission Statuses

Updating Submission Statuses

There are two different system settings for Submission statuses. This allows you to maintain separate Submission status lists after scheduling an interview.

Navigate to Menu > Admin > System Settings and search for jobResponseStatusList.

  • S Release: Navigate to Menu > Tools > System Settings and search for jobResponseStatusList.

Use the system setting interviewScheduledJobResponseStatus to update submission statuses on the Edit screen when scheduling an interview.

Additional Information

  • You will need to log out and back in after making changes to system settings.
  • Values need to be comma separated with no spaces in between.
    • Example: Submission Accepted,Interviewing With Client,Offer Accepted
  • Submission statuses are limited to 30 characters and should not contain special characters.
  • For the Standard Reports to work, you must add "Offer Extended" as a job submission status.
  • You should not add "Client Submission" or "Placed" as a submission statuses as they are already hard-coded into the system.