Editions Available: Corporate;Enterprise Audience: Administrative Users

Updating the List of Submission Sources

Updating Submission Sources

  1. Navigate to Menu > Admin > System Settings.
    • S-ReleaseMenuTools > System Settings.
  2. Search for jobResponseSourceList.
  3. Update the values as needed.
    • Values need to be comma separated with no spaces in between.
      • Example: Candidate Search,Job Match,Inbound Call,Other
  4. Click Save.
  5. Log out and back in to see changes.

The Source filter in the Submissions list will only return results if the value list from the jobResponseSourceList System Setting is also present in the Job Submission > Source Field Mapping.

Additional Information

  • Submission sources are limited to 100 characters and should not contain special characters.
  • If you remove a submission source that exists on a job, the job and submission source will be retained. You will be unable to use or filter for the specific source until it is added back.
  • Changing a submission source will not retroactively update existing job responses with that source.