Editions Available: All Editions Audience: Administrative Users

Database Hardware Update

You must complete the below actions. For more information on how to accomplish each step, please see the applicable section that follows.

While the first item is required for all companies, the subsequent two are dependent upon your specific organization’s database. The email provided to your Account and Support Contacts will contain exactly which ones you need to follow as well as the specific addresses you need.

  1. Update your email tracking
  2. Update your Automatic Resume Parsing email address (if applicable)
  3. Update your Open Source Career Portal (if applicable)

For Frequently Asked Questions, click here.

1. Update your email tracking rule with a new email tracking address

Failure to update this rule in a timely manner may result in interruption in your email tracking.  Please do not update the tracking rule immediately upon receiving this email. Instead, you should make the change at the date/time listed on the email we sent you.


Emails that are not tracked cannot be added to the system at a later time.

  • The Account/Support contacts at your company should have received an email from us which listed both your current tracker and new tracker email addresses (e.g. yourcompany.xxxx@slxx.bullhornstaffing.com)
  • Verify the date/time of the move so you can coordinate with your email provider, if necessary.
  • Failure to make this change will result in emails that are not tracked in Bullhorn. If the tracking rule is not updated, emails between your users and their contacts will no longer be visible within the Bullhorn application. Missing emails cannot be added to your database at a later time.
  • For more information on updating your email tracking rule, please review the materials below and/or speak with your email administrator.

2. Update your Automatic Resume Parser Email Address

Failure to make this change may result in missing resumes or web responses for job postings.

  • If you are currently utilizing an automatic resume parsing email address, we would have provided additional details in the email that list both your current parser address and new parser address (e.g. resumes.xxxx@slxx.bullhornstaffing.com)
  • You should not begin using the new parser address until the date/time listed in the email we sent you.
  • Many clients have resumes sent to a local inbox (e.g. applications@yourdomain.com) which are then forwarded to our resume parsing address. Please keep in mind you may need to update a forwarding address in this case.
  • You may also have a third party application or job board that sends resumes to the parsing account. In this case, please ensure these parties receive the updated parsing email address.
  • For more information on the resume parser, please see What is the Automatic Resume Parser?

3. Update your Open Source Career Portal

Failure to make this change may result in job postings not appearing on your company website.

  • If using the Open Source Career Portal, you will need to update the app.json file on your site host with a new swimlane (SL).
  • Please visitthis link and follow step 3 to update the file contents.
    • Example: Looking at your app.json file, change "swimlane": "4" to "swimlane": "30". Save this change and upload the file to your host.
  • Upon updating the file, you will need to upload the new file to your site host.
  • This update should also occur as close to the date/time listed in the email as possible
  • You should republish jobs that are on Indeed via the Indeed Syndication by selecting the Republish button on the Job Publishing screen within Bullhorn.


What if I am unable to make the changes at the date/time listed in the email I received?

  • Our best practice is to make the update at the date/time provided to you. If you are unable to make the update at that time, we recommend making the updates within 24 hours of the date/time listed.

What will happen if I don’t make the changes?​

  • Failure to update to the new tracker address will result in emails that are not tracked in Bullhorn, severely impacting our Pulse product as well as the visibility into emails exchanged between your users and their contacts.
  • If you are currently using the automatic resume parser account and you do not being using the address provided  to you, new resumes that are sent to the old account will not be parsed into Bullhorn as new candidates.
  • These updates are critical; please contact Support if you have any questions about how to make the changes we have requested.

What email are you talking about?

  • If your company is part of the hardware upgrades, all Account and Support contacts would have received several email notifications regarding this project and the necessary updates we are asking you to make.