Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud 3.399 General Release Notes: Bug Fixes and Small Enhancements

ATSv1 Enhancements & Bug Fixes

ATSv1 for Candidates: New Fieldset to Display Contact Information in the "Select Candidate" Drop-down

If you access “ATS for CandidatesClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider.” from a tab, you are asked to select a CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider.. Previously, the lookup field would only show the names of candidates. With this enhancement, you can now add other information such as Email or Account to help you choose the correct candidate more quickly.

Configuration Required

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > ContactsClosed A contact (or client contact) is the person who the recruiter is working with at a Company. In Talent Rover a Contact can be either a Client Contact or a Candidate Contact. Both types of Contacts are stored in the same object (Contact). > Fieldsets > ATS QuickAdd FieldSet
  2. Select the fields you would like to display in the 'Select a Candidate' lookup

Note: The 'ATS QuickAdd FieldSet' is referenced in three ATSv1 locations, so if you add or remove fields from it, it will be reflected in:

ATSv1 'Select a Job' modal: Date field displayed as date/time field

In ATSv1, if you access “ATS for JobsClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement.” via tab or all tabs, you are asked to select a job as your first step. If you customized the pop-up to display a date field (e.g. “Open Date”) it would show as date+time instead of just the date.

No configuration needed.

ATSv1 > Submit With Email > Template dropdown: Sort templates

An enhancement has been made to the "Submit with Email" functionality that divides templates in folders, sorted in the order of date last modified.

ATSv1: if currency fields are left blank on the Closing Report edit VF page, they get populated with $0.00 on the saved Closing Report

Saving a Closing ReportClosed Fifth Stage of Job placement flow, a Candidate that reaches the Closing Report Placement stage has been assigned to a job. In Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud, a 'Closing Report' is a record that captures all the information related to the newly filled position (name of Candidate, position, salary, start date, which recruiter gets credit for the hire etc.) in ATSv1 with a currency field left empty will now correctly save as a blank field instead of being populated with $0.00.

No configuration needed.

ATS v1 "Submit With Email": if you close the tab/page without doing anything, a Submittal Record is still created in the background

Closing the “Submit with Email” pop-up without clicking the Send or Cancel button will no longer move the Candidate to the SubmittalClosed The Second Stage of Job application flow. This is when the recruiter sends the Candidate CV to the client, a sort of first introduction. stage.

No configuration needed.

ATSv1 > SendOut Schedule > 'Interview Time' field should allow user to enter a specific time

An enhancement has been made to the “InterviewClosed The third Stage of Job application flow. This is when the recruiter sets up a job interview between Candidate and Client. Time” field on the “New Send OutClosed The third Stage of Job application flow. This is when the recruiter sets up a job interview between Candidate and Client. Schedule” page that will allow you to manually enter a time, or select a time from the drop-down menu in 15 minutes intervals.

No configuration required.

ATSv1 Quick Add bypasses now respects Salesforce Sharing Rules

The lookup field to Candidates for ATSv1 > Quick Apply has been enhanced to respect the Contact Object sharing setting. Logged In users will only be able to select Candidates that they have access to.

No configuration required.

Remove reference to Google Maps from ATSv1 UI

We have removed the link to Google Maps from the “New SendoutClosed A Client Submission (Sendouts, CV Sent) occurs when a recruiter sends a candidate to the hiring manager for approval to have an interview. Schedule” page.

Apostrophe showing incorrectly for candidates in quick add

The quick add function will now correctly display Candidates with apostrophes in their names.

Duplicate submittals created when clicking “Submit without Email” more than once

Enhancements have been made to the “Submit without Email” functionality to no longer create a duplicate submissionClosed An internal submission (submission, shortlist) is used to save the candidate against a job for which they may be a good fit. when the button is clicked more than once.

Daxtra Search&Match Enhancements & Bug Fixes

Search & Match "To" field shows "'" if name contains an apostrophe (under Activities on results page and on Quick Add of ATS)

The following fields will now correctly display names containing apostrophe:

  • "To" field in Activities (in Search&Match Candidate Workspace > Activities sub-tab)
  • ATS for Job/Candidate > Quick Add lookup field

No configuration needed.

Error when Parsing Resume with Daxtra - 'Delete Candidate Id: data value too large'

The “External Candidate ID” field on Contacts is used to identify Contacts that are synced with DaxtraClosed A Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud partner. One of the Search and Match / Resume Parsing services providers integrated with Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud. Every time a Contact is updated, a new External ID is generated and the old IDs are stored in the “Delete Candidate Id” field. The “Delete Candidate Id” field has been updated to only retain the last used ID to prevent the “Delete Candidate Id: data value too large” error when parsing resumes with Daxtra.

No configuration required.

Daxtra Search&Match > Potentials Tab > 'Send Email' + ATSv1 > View All Schedules > Email Schedules: Activities are not created when emails are sent from two locations

The following actions will correctly create Activities when sending emails from the following locations:

  • Daxtra S&M > (Search results) > Potential Tab > Send Email button
  • ATSv1 > Send Out Schedule > View All Schedules > Email Schedules


No configuration required

Daxtra Search & Match "Add To Call List" causing "Apex CPU time limit exceeded" AND "Unable to connect to the server (transaction aborted: timeout)."

Adding Candidates returned by a search to Call ListsClosed A Mass Mailing tool that's used to mass mail a list of candidates or clients via the Daxtra Search&Match UI will no longer display the “Apex CPU time limit exceeded” or “Unable to connect to the server(transaction aborted: timeout)” errors. To resolve this, we no longer query all contacts that belong to a Call_List and instead only return Contacts being added at the moment.

No configuration required

Remove reference to Google Maps from Daxtra Search&Match UI

We have removed the link to Google Maps from Daxtra Search&Match results (Search&Match results page > Candidate Workspace > Location sub-tab).

Various - Enhancements & Bug Fixes

Owner Name field not getting updated on Contact Records

The Owner Name Contact field (TR1_Owner_Name_c) will now update as expected every time the Contact Owner (OwnerId) changes.

No configuration required

Managed Workflow Rules for Stage Start Date: change the Evaluation Criteria at package level

The below managed Workflow Rules are used to capture the Start Date when a Candidate is moved to any Stage in ATSv1:

There is an associated Field Update that populates the Start Date field with the current date when the rule is triggered. These are used to calculate how many days a Candidate stayed in any stage.

The Workflow Rules will no longer trigger every time a record is edited. This means that other unrelated fields will no longer be updated and cause the Start Date field to also be updated. The rule criteria at the package level has been changed to “created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria" to resolve this.

No configuration needed.

Closing Report 'Conversion'/'End Assignment'/'Rate Change' package buttons: malfunctioning in Classic and Lightning

The following Closing Report package buttons will now function properly:

No configuration needed.

Add to Call list lightning component not working in the old SAM and ATSv1

The “Add to Call List” component will now function as expected in Classic and in the Daxtra Search&Match. Users can add selected Contacts to an existing Call List or to a new Call List from the following locations:

No configuration required

'Add To Call List' component: if a field is added to "Add To Call List Dropdown", it's not possible to select existing Call Lists

Adding fields to the “Add to Call List Dropdown” Fieldset will no longer prevent users from selecting a Call List.

This has been fixed at the package level.

"Page ResumeManager5 does not exist " error in Resume Manager 5 when the browser is Microsoft Edge

Editing or Formatting a resume using Resume Manager in Microsoft Edge will no longer cause the "Page ResumeManager5 does not exist " error.

No configuration required.

Call List - ‘New Member’ filter not working

The “New Call List Member” lookup field will now show Contacts with a certain record type if it has been configured to do so. For more details on this functionality and how to configure it, please see Add Call List Members Based on Contact Record Type

No configuration needed.

"Mass Place Candidates": ATSv1 hangs and doesn't load

Accessing the “Mass PlacementClosed The stage that occurs after a candidate accepts a job offer and facilitates their information being copied to the back office.” page after selecting multiple Candidates from Longlists will now load the page as expected.

No configuration needed.


User gets logged out when user tries to create Offers/ Closing Reports in Job Manager

SandboxClosed Non Production Environments are used by customers to test new features prior to them going live. users will no longer be logged out when creating Offers / Closing Reports in Job ManagerClosed The name of a Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud legacy application used in older versions of the product with similar fiunctionalities to ATS tool..

No configuration needed

Daxtra Search&Match > Saved search gives a "DUPLICATE_VALUE" error if Potentials are included

Launching a saved search that includes Potentials will no longer cause an error.

No configuration needed

Activities are not getting created when emails are sent from Call Lists

Emailing from the Call List will now create Activities as expected.

No configuration needed.

Daxtra Search&Match: image field is not rendered in Potential tab when user launches a Saved Search

Clicking the Potential tab from a previously saved search, the image fields (for example, Contact Type banners) will now render the image as expected.

No configuration needed.

ATSv1: exclude inactive Users from User lookup fields when creating a Closing Report

With this enhancement, when users create a Closing Report from ATSv1 with the "Edit Closing Report" Visualforce page the UserClosed In Salesforce terminology, this is anybody that has login access to an instance. In Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud instances, usually the staff of recruiting companies Lookup fields in the Profit Split section will no longer show Inactive Users. This applies to: TR1_Candidate_Credit_c, TR1_Job_Credit_c, TR1_Marketing_Credit_c, TR1_Other_Credit_c, and TR1_Other2_Credit_c.

No configuration required.

ATSv1 > Submittal With Email: Unresponsive Page

In Orgs on package version 3.355 or higher, users reported getting an unresponsive page when they tried to send a Submittal Email from ATSv1. Note that the issue only happened when only one file (default resume) was attached to the email. This has now been fixed at a core package level.

No configuration required.