Editions Available: Corporate;Enterprise Audience: Administrative Users

Adding a Drop Down Field

Curious about the different types of fields you can add? Check out this article!

From your Bullhorn Menu, select Field Mappings.

  • S-Release: From your Tools Menu, select Field Mappings.

Expand the desired entity.

In the field column, type in "customText" and press Enter.

Find a custom field that is not currently in use and select the hyperlinked field name.

Fill out the field details on the pop up window.




The label that displays within Bullhorn.

Edit type

  • Drop Down
  • Mini Picker

Allows you to toggle whether or not this field is required to be filled in before saving the record.


Allows you to toggle whether or not this field is viewable.

Allow Multiple Values

Allows you to toggle whether the field allows users to select multiple answers/values.

  • Some fields, such as job title or plain text fields, do not support multiple values.

Sort Order

Input the number that matches where you want this field to display on the Edit screen. Use the sort orders of other fields to help guide you.

For example: If I wanted this to show above the Pay Rate and the Pay Rate is sort order 165, then I would use sort order 160.

We recommend keeping your sort orders 5 numbers apart (130, 135) as a best practice so if you need to add a field in the future you can easily fit it in. Sort orders must be unique so do not use the same sort order for two fields.

Value List

Input the values you want your users to select from. Use commas to separate them, but avoid spaces around the commas.

  • Example: Tampa,Orlando,Fort Myers,Miami

Display List

Leave this field blank, unless you used numbers for the Value List for your back end reporting and want to associate text to those numbers for users to identify their selections easier.

  • Example: If you have store numbers or location numbers for export purposes, but want your users to see the location name instead.

Default Value

Input the value from the value list you want to be the default.

Leave blank if no default is required.


Describe the field's purpose. This description will show beneath the field in smaller black text.

  • S-Release: This text you type here will show in black above the field.

The text you type here will show within the field in light gray to give users a clue as to the field's purpose.

  • S-Release: The text you type here will show in red below the field.


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