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Custom Import FAQ


This article outlines frequently asked questions about using the Custom Import tool. You can find steps to use the Custom Import tool in the Importing Data to Bullhorn article.


How can I re-do a Custom Import?

You'll need to run a search for the status of Imported on the corresponding list view. Please refer to the Locating Imported Records section in the Importing Data to Bullhorn article for more details.

How many records can I import at once?

Up to 1,000 records can be imported at once.

What status is assigned to imported records?

Records are automatically assigned a status of Imported. You're able to mass update the status of the records after an import.

Which characters does the Custom Import tool support?

The Custom Import tool only supports English characters. Special characters are supported on all fields except the Skills field.

All my data was imported as one column. How can I change this?

If you are in mainland Europe you'll need to change the List Separator on your device from ; to , and the Decimal from , to .

Can I import data to a custom field?

Yes! Check out the List of Custom Import Fields article for supported fields.

How does the Custom Import duplicate checker determine if a record is a duplicate?

Please view the Understanding Bullhorn Record Duplicate Checking article for more information.

Duplicate checking for custom import only checks within the same record type. For example, if you are importing candidates, it will only look for duplicate candidate records.

Are duplicate records added to my database?

No, records labeled as Duplicate will not get added. If you want the ability to import duplicate records, please view How do I allow duplicate records during a Custom Import?

Can I import company records?

The Custom Import tool can be used to import the following record types:

  • Candidate
  • Contacts
  • Leads

What determines the Companies of my imported Contacts?

  • Contacts imported with a known Company: Contacts will be attached to the specified Companies.
  • Contacts imported with an unknown Company: Contacts should always be imported with a Company to avoid duplicate Company records from being created. If you don't know the Company name, create a Company record in Bullhorn called TBD to attach Contacts with an unknown Company.

My spreadsheet contained over 100 records. Why were only 100 records imported?

When importing over 100 records, you must click through each page of the import to verify the data added to your system.