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Sharing Private File Attachments

In Bullhorn, depending on your entitlements, you may have the ability to make the files you upload private: either only to you, or to a specific subset of users. By default, all files that are uploaded are public. Please note that only one file can be privatized at a time.

Sharing a Private File

  1. Navigate to the Files tab on the record that contains the private file you want to share.
  2. Select the private file that you want to share.
  3. Click the 1 Selected button.
    • S-Release: Click the Selected button.
  4. Choose File Settings.
  5. If the file is not private yet, select Private.
  6. In the Share With section, select the names of the other Bullhorn users who should also be able to view, download, delete, and edit the settings associated with the file.
  7. Click Save.

  • On the Files tab, the Is Private column allows you to see which files you have marked as private.

Novo: Keep in mind that the your administrator may have the ability to see all private files.

S Release: If you do not want the owner of a record to have the ability to view private files attached to the record unless it's specifically shared with them, please contact Bullhorn Support.
