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Navigating Through a Record


There are a number of ways to quickly view, edit, update and take action on your records from within the records themselves. This article focuses on navigating through a Candidate record, but it’s the same premise for all other entities.


Record Navigation

1. Internet Search Icons

Clicking the Google or LinkedIn icons will run a search in both for the Candidate’s name. Clicking the Google Maps icon searches Google Maps for the address on the Candidate’s record.


2. Record Tabs

The tabs at the top of your records enable you to view, edit, add and delete information. Once you update details here, this is reflected in the Overview tab of your record, and can be searched or filtered on in your list views.

You can find more information on updating your tabsAdjusting the Record Layout


3. Workflow Icons

The workflow icons at the top of the record highlight when a Candidate is, or has previously been in any of the workflow stages.

Clicking on a highlighted workflow icon will redirect you to the Submission/Shortlist tab, where you can find more information on the submission such as the Company, Contact or Job they have been linked to, and the workflow stage they are currently in.


4. Binoculars

Clicking on the Binocular icon will open up a slide-out view, which enables you to preview information in your Candidate’s Notes card.

The Actions drop-down enables you to edit or delete the note from the preview, instead of going to the Notes tab.


5. Actions Drop Down

Clicking the Actions drop-down enables you to take action on your record in a number of ways, such as sending an email to the Candidate, adding Notes/Tasks, scheduling an Appointment or sending their CV to a Contact.