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Lists are a vastly used feature found throughout the ATS / CRM application. There are a number of ways to efficiently utilize the list view to view, edit, and update your records. This article outlines what capabilities lists provide and the problems they hope to solve.

List Types

Simple Entity List

A simple entity list provides the following basic list functionality and will be found within entity records to showcase associations for the user to view:

  • Sortable column headers
  • Column filters for supported search fields
  • Row highlighting to distinguish rows for long tables

Text-based Column Filters

Text-based column filters have alternate behavior based on the entity. The following entities support “contains” searching on all text-based fields:

  • Candidate
  • ClientContact
  • ClientCorporation
  • JobOrder
  • JobSubmission
  • Lead
  • Note
  • Opportunity
  • Placement
  • Task

The following entities do not support “contains”, but rather “starts with” searching for text-based fields:

  • Location
  • Credential Requirements

Advanced Entity List

A advanced entity list has the most extensive functionality. It's found when loading main entity lists and includes the following capabilities:

  • All the functionality from simple entity lists
  • Column resizing
  • Customizable column layout (column ordering)
    • Configured with a view layout
    • Configured with a Favorited Search
  • Ability to save searches
  • Ability to perform an Advanced Search

Tips and Tricks


  • Clicking on the Binocular icon will open up a slide-out view, which enables you to preview the record. From here, you can view details such as the candidate’s contact information, any notes saved on their record, and their CV.
  • The Actions drop-down enables you to take actions on the record, such as adding notes or tasks and sending the candidate’s CV to a contact.

Inline Edit

  • Hovering over values contained in the list view columns will result in a edit pencil icon appearing.
  • Once you click on the icon, you will have the option to inline edit the field, where you can choose a new option from a drop-down menu or type a new value.
  • Clicking Save will update your record, and the new value will appear in the list view.

Mass Edit

  • Selecting records from the checkboxes on the left side of the screen results in a blue (Number) Selected button appearing in the top-right corner of the list view.
  • From here, you can mass update your records in several ways, such as changing record ownership, mass deleting records, or mass mailing your candidates.

If you are using Bullhorn Team Edition, you won’t see the following options in the drop-down:

  • Change Job Categories
  • Change Skills
  • Change Industries
  • Change Source