File Attachment FAQ


This article contains frequently asked questions about file attachments in Bullhorn.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of files can I attach in Bullhorn?

Bullhorn does not limit uploads based on the file format. Any locally saved file can be uploaded, but only MS Word and Adobe PDF files without security enabled will display in the preview. The Preview Pane includes a download button that allows attachments to be saved locally and viewed using native applications.

What entities support file attachments?

The Files tab is available on Candidates, Companies, Contacts, Jobs, and Placements.

What are file types, and can I add to the list of available options?

File types are a way to categorize files uploaded to Bullhorn. Bullhorn has default file types, such as "Resume" and "Cover Letter", as they are commonly used. Admin users can add your organization's naming conventions to the list of file types by editing the fileTypeList system setting. It's possible to add and edit file types, but we recommend against modifying "Resume" as that file type displays the file in the preview slideout. For more information on the fileTypeList, see the Understanding Bullhorn System Settings article.

Why is the list of file types on company records different from other Bullhorn entities?

Files can be attached to Company records in Bullhorn, but the types of files uploaded to Company records often differ from those added to people records. Bullhorn has a separate system setting containing Company record file types. Admin users can edit the clientCorporationFileTypeList system setting containing the values for the Company record file type list. For more information on the clientCorporationFileTypeList and other system settings see the Understanding Bullhorn System Settings article.

Is there a maximum size for a file attachment?

The file size limit for attachments in Bullhorn is 10 MB. If you attempt to attach a file that's over the file size limit, you will see the following warning:

Can I rename a file once its been uploaded?

Yes. By default, a file's title will display as the name of the document when it is uploaded into Bullhorn. See How do I rename a file attached to a record? for specific steps. File attachment names in Bullhorn are limited to 100 characters total, including the file extension. If the total length of the file name reaches or exceeds 100 characters an error will result when attempting to save the change.

Is there a limit on how many files can be attached to a record?

There is no set limit on how many files can be uploaded to Bullhorn. This includes per record and in total on your Bullhorn instance.

Is there a difference between a file attachment and a credential?

Yes. A credential is a document (or proof of documentation) used in the healthcare industry to qualify candidates for employment. Credentials are used to fulfill credential requirements. Files can be attached to records in all Bullhorn editions, but Credentialing is exclusive to Bullhorn Enterprise and Healthcare editions. See the Credentialing article for more information.

Are file attachments searchable?

Yes. Bullhorn’s keyword search functionality looks in the file description. Any keyword matches found in file attachments will increase a Candidate's score. File attachments with the file type Resume will contribute to Candidate score and be available for review on the Candidate Preview slideout. See How is a candidate’s score determined? for more information.

The file description is, by default, the text content of the body if the file is uploaded via Bullhorn. If the file is uploaded via API, the description may not be filled in and you may not be able to find candidate files through key word search.

Are file attachments included in data backups?

Yes. Standard data backups include file attachments (e.g., resumes) added to Bullhorn between the first day of the previous month and the date of the backup request. Full backups include all file attachments in their native format. See Requesting a Data Backup for more information.