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Using the Activity Center

Note: This is a legacy feature. While it is still available for use, it is not being actively developed and will only be updated for critical bug fixes. We recommend using the Bullhorn For Email Gadget or the Gmail Add-On to take Bullhorn-specific action on emails directly from your inbox.

The Activity Center is not an email inbox. It's where you go to take Bullhorn-specific action on emails that cannot be completed from your third-party email client (such as parsing a candidate's resume).

In the Activity Center, Bullhorn does two things with inbound messages:

  • Color-codes the message by sender type: candidate, contact, or unknown sender. Unknown senders are individuals whose email address is not listed on a record in Bullhorn. These messages appear in the Activity Center so that you can parse resumes for new candidates, or associate a new email address with an existing candidate or contact's record (and subsequently add the email to their message activity log).
  • Associates messages with their corresponding Bullhorn record, provided one exists (e.g. email between you and a candidate appears on the candidate's record. By going to that record you see all of the messages exchanged).

The Activity Center displays a copy of the last six months of messages that you receive from a candidate, contact, and unknown people (someone without a record in Bullhorn) so that you can, if necessary, take action on the email. Bullhorn makes email identification easy by color-coding messages and grouping them by sender. When you expand a message, a thread of past email and notes you created about that person display so you can see a history of communication. Note that Bullhorn shows your outbound messages in the message thread once the recipient has replied to the message. By default, the Activity Center displays the last 15 messages, but you can use the Show drop-down to display up to 100. In addition, you can click the Show More link after the last displayed message to view more email.

Bullhorn does not display internal email (i.e., from coworkers with the same email domain) in the Activity Center, and therefore those emails are not tracked in Bullhorn. If you receive an email from a coworker that you need to take a Bullhorn-specific action on, you can forward the email to your company's tracking address for it to appear in your Activity Center. To obtain your company's email tracker address, contact your administrator. Forwarded emails appear in the Activity Center with the caption "Message requiring action."

You can prevent specific emails from appearing in the Activity Center by blocking an email address or a domain. While blocking an email address prevents email from that specific sender, blocking a domain stops all email from accounts at that domain. For example, if you block "@hotmail.​com", the Activity Center will not display email from any person who sends you email from their Hotmail account. When you block email in the Activity Center, it does not block the email from appearing in your third-party email client.

You access the Activity Center from the Bullhorn menu, under Home.

To View Message History in the Activity Center

  1. Click the expand arrow to the left of the message to view the first few lines, or click the email subject to read the entire message
  2. To view other emails from this person, click Recent Activity
  3. Take action on the email by doing one of the following:
    • Attach a file to a record
    • Add an email as a note to a record
    • Create a new candidate record from a resume in your email
    • Update an existing candidate record with a resume in your email
    • Associate an email with an existing record

The Activity Center does not display message history for unknown senders; only the most recent email they've sent. For example, if unknown sender janesmith@acme.​com sends you an email on Monday and another email on Wednesday, you will only see Wednesday’s email in the Activity Center. For this reason, if the unknown sender is meant to be a candidate or contact, the best practice is to add them into Bullhorn immediately upon receiving their first email. However, keep in mind that all email messages (unless deleted) should still be in your email client.

To Search for a Message in the Activity Center

  1. In the search field, enter the sender's name, subject, or content in the email body.
  2. Click the search (magnifying glass) icon.
  3. To clear your search results, click the delete (trash can) icon.

To Track Untracked Email Against an Existing Record from the Activity Center

  1. Click the sender's name/email address.
  2. Click Add Email Address.
  3. Select the radio button to the left of the Contact or Candidate field.
  4. Enter or search for the contact or candidate to which to associate the email address.
  5. If necessary, click OK.
  6. In the appropriate Email Field drop-down, select which email field you want this address added to (i.e., primary, secondary).
  7. If you would like all the messages in the inbox from this email address to be associated with the record you selected, select the Yes radio button in the Associate Email Message(s) field.
  8. Click Submit.

To Add the Contents of a Message in the Activity Center as a Note Against a Record

  1. Select Add as Note to the right of the candidate or contact email.
  2. If necessary, make edits to the note text body or references.
  3. Click Save.

To Add the Contents of a Message in the Activity Center as a Task

  1. Select More to the right of the candidate or contact email.
  2. Select Add Task.
  3. Complete the required information.
    • Notice that the message body of the email has populated the Description field and the sender's name has populated either the Contact or Candidate Reference field.
  4. Click Save.

To ignore people in the Activity Center

You can ignore candidates, contacts, and unknown senders.

  1. Select More to the right of the email.
  2. Select Ignore.
  3. Select whether to ignore the person's email address or the entire domain.
  4. Click Save.
    • Emails from that person or domain are removed from the Activity Center.

To Un-ignore People in the Activity Center

  1. Click Ignore List.
  2. Select the check box to the left of the person or domain to stop ignoring.
  3. Click Remove.
    • All old and new messages from this email address or domain appear in the Activity Center.