Branching Best Practices and FAQ

Branching is a feature in Bullhorn Automation that can simplify workflows, create dynamic processes, and save time. However, to make the most of this feature, it's essential to follow best practices and avoid common pitfalls. This guide outlines when to use branching, when to avoid it, and alternative strategies to streamline your automations.

When to Use Branching

Branching works best when your criteria are if-based and known at the time of the branch step. Here are some examples:

  1. Placement Type (Direct Hire vs. Contract)
    Use branching to customize workflows based on the type of placement. For instance:
    • Direct hires might follow a cadence focused on training and long-term follow-ups.
    • Contract hires could trigger reminders for start dates and daily check-ins.
  2. Survey Responses
    Branch workflows based on survey results. For example:
    • Promoters (scores of 9-10) might follow an engagement cadence for referrals.
    • Neutral responses (scores of 7-8) might trigger follow-up questions.
    • Detractors (scores of 6 or below) could start a recovery workflow.
  3. Candidate Location or Language
    If workflows need to vary by location or language, use branching to route candidates appropriately:
    • Branch workflows for candidates in different countries.
    • Create branches for multilingual communications or brand-specific campaigns.

When Not to Use Branching

Branching is not suitable for when-based criteria, as these are better managed with separate automations. Here are scenarios where branching should be avoided:

  1. Email Opens or Clicks
    If your automation relies on when someone opens an email or clicks a link, use separate automations. This ensures actions trigger immediately when the event occurs, avoiding delays or missed steps.

  2. Date-Based Automations
    Be cautious when using date-based criteria (e.g., "14 days before placement start date"). If records do not meet the exact timing, they will miss the branch entirely. Consider separate automations to ensure all records are captured.

  3. Delayed Responses
    When branching is based on user actions (e.g., survey completion), responses that occur outside the wait period will default to an unintended path. Separate automations allow immediate follow-up without timing constraints.

  4. Complex Variable Content
    Instead of branching for different client or company requirements, use smart tokens to dynamically insert customized content into messages. This simplifies workflows and reduces duplication.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Skipping Wait Steps for Time-Based Actions

Without a wait step, time-sensitive actions (e.g., survey responses) might not be captured correctly. Always include an appropriate wait period before branching.

Overloading Branches in Date-Based Automations

Ensure all records meet the branch timing criteria. For example, if a placement is created less than 14 days before its start date, it will miss a "14 days before start date" branch.

Relying on Branching for Immediate Triggers

If an action must trigger immediately after an event, use a separate automation. Branching introduces delays that can disrupt the workflow.

Duplicating Workflows Instead of Using Smart Tokens

Avoid creating separate automations or branches for minor differences in content. Smart tokens can dynamically insert client-specific or company-specific information without additional complexity.

Using Smart Tokens Instead of Branching

Smart tokens are a great alternative to branching when you need to customize content based on criteria like company or client. For example:

  • Create a smart token for "Company Information" that dynamically inserts different details for each client.
  • Use the token in your automation emails, ensuring the correct content is displayed based on the placement's associated company.

This approach reduces the need for multiple branches or automations while maintaining personalization.

By following these best practices, you can maximize the efficiency of your workflows, reduce errors, and create a streamlined automation experience.

  • Do: Use branching for if-based criteria that are known at the time of the branch step.
  • Don’t: Use branching for when-based criteria or actions requiring immediate triggers.
  • Simplify: Leverage smart tokens for dynamic content instead of duplicating branches or automations.
  • Validate: Always test your branches to ensure all records flow as intended.


Why is a "Wait One Day" step automatically added to my automation when I add a branch step?

Branching can make automations more complex. If you turn on an automation without a wait step, it will immediately begin to process the contacts into their branches without any way to reverse this once it happens. You don't have to keep the wait step at one day, but we highly recommend using a wait step of at least one hour before a branch step to be on the safe side.

Can I add a branch step inside of an already existing branch step?

Yes, this is possible!

Why are some of my candidates going through just one branch versus the others they match?

This could be due to the list logic you have set up. If you have candidates that match more than one branch, they will go through the leftmost branch that they match.

If a candidate is added to the default branch for not answering a survey, and then answers the survey while still in the wait step for the default branch, will they be moved over to the correct branch?

No. Once they pass the branch step, they won’t be reevaluated and moved to another branch. The one exception is if it’s a date-based automation and the date changes. Then it’s possible they could go backwards to a previous wait step.

How do I know when to use branching instead of building two separate automations?

Branching is very complex and it's very easy to get confused between the two. Here is an extremely helpful video from our "Build With Billy" YouTube series going over this very question!