ATS v2: Application V2 Data Model

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.16 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn for Salesforce Support.

This article applies to ATS v2s using the ATS v2 data model only.


ATS v2 introduces a data model centered on the Application V2Closed A BH4SF custom object introduced when new data model ATSv2 was added to the core product object. ATS v1 had a separate object for each stage of the recruiting process while stages in ATS v2 are controlled by the Stage picklist on the ApplicationClosed First stage of Job placement flow (Application> Submittal>Interview>Offer> Placement) V2 record. Combined with the Application History record it's easier to keep track of a CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider.'s journey as there are fewer records to manage. This article explains how data models work.

Example Application V2 Record:


Admin Note: You can determine if your Org is using the ATS v2 data model by looking for a checkmark in Setup > Custom Settings > Talent Rover Custom Settings > Enable New ATS Data Model?. Please contact Bullhorn Support if this box is not checked and you would like to switch to the ATS v2 data model.

Application V2 + Application History Object

New Record

A new Application V2 record and a new Application History record are created every time a Candidate is submitted to a JobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. in the Bullhorn ATS for the first time. A relation between the Job ID + Candidate ID + Job Stage is established.

Edited/Updated Record

Updates Triggered by Move Back / Move Forward in the Bullhorn ATS

When an existing Candidate submitted to a Job is moved forward or back in the Bullhorn ATS, the related existing Application V2 record is updated. An Application History record is created to capture the new move.

  • The Application V2 record will be updated:
    • TR1__Stage__c is updated with new a value. This is the stage that the Candidate has been moved to.
    • Fields in the relevant Stage Information are updated with data entered in the Bullhorn ATS data entry pages.

    When a Candidate has been in the same stage previously because of multiple move back/forward actions, previous values will be overwritten.

Updates Triggered by Reject/Unreject in the Bullhorn ATS

When an existing Candidate is rejected or unrejected from a Job in the Bullhorn ATS, the related existing Application V2 record is updated. New Application History records are created for every reject and unreject action.

  • The Application V2 record will be updated:
    • TR1__Reject__c: This checkbox is selected when a Candidate is rejected and deselected when the same Candidate is unrejected.
    • TR1__Rejection_Notes__c if entered in the Bullhorn ATS.
  • An Application History record will be created with following data:
    • Name: Rejected or Unrejected.
    • TR1__Stage__c
    • TR1__Old_Stage__c
    • TR1__Rejection_Undo_rejection_Notes__c

Application V2 + Send Out Schedule V2 + Application History Object

New Record

If a Candidate is added directly to the Send OutClosed The third Stage of Job application flow. This is when the recruiter sets up a job interview between Candidate and Client. stage in the Bullhorn ATS, a new Application V2 and Application History record will be created.

In addition, a Send Out Schedule V2 record is also created which stores all of the information entered on the Bullhorn ATS data entry page for the InterviewClosed The third Stage of Job application flow. This is when the recruiter sets up a job interview between Candidate and Client.. A Send Out Schedule V2 is also created when a Candidate who is already applied to a Job is moved to the Send Out stage in the Bullhorn ATS. The following fields are included:

If the Internal Interview feature is used in the Bullhorn ATS, a Send Out V2 record is created in the background with a record type of Internal Interview. A Send Out V2 record generated by a Send Out Schedule action will have a record type of External Interview. No other record is created or updated in this scenario as Internal Interview does not trigger a stage change.

Edited/Updated Record

In the ATS v2, users have the option to edit a Send Out Schedule, such as changing Interview details on the data entry page. If this happens, the existing Send Out Schedule V2 record is updated, meaning the values in the fields of the existing Send Out Schedule V2 record are overwritten with the new data entered in the Bullhorn ATS.

Send Out V2 records can be updated when an Interview is canceled in Bullhorn ATS which might be due to rejecting, moving back, or canceling actions. When this happens, the TR1__Cancel_Meeting__c checkbox on the existing Send Out V2 record is updated from False to True (if the Interview Date is in the future).

Interview Date & Time vs Interview Time Field

The Interview Time field is used to provide validation when entering an interview time in the Bullhorn ATS since it only allows certain times to be selected. When a Send Out Schedule V2 record is saved the Interview Time value is copied into the Interview Date & Time field. Users should refer only to the Interview Date & Time field as it changes dynamically based on the user's time zone while the Interview Time field is static.

You may see different values between the two fields on the same record due to time zone differences, the Interview Date & Time field is correct.