ATS v2: Lookup Filtering

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.83.1 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud Support.

This article applies to ATS v2s using the ATS v2 data model only.


This article provides a way of defining the Contact type that should excluded from a lookup field. This method uses a Workflow Rule and Field Update combination.

This article is intended for System Administrators.

How it Works

The Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud package includes a corresponding checkbox field (shown in the third column below) for each of the look up fields listed.

Location Lookup Field Checkbox Field (Contact Object)
Application V2Closed A Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud custom object introduced when new data model ATSv2 was added to the core product

ApplicantClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider.


Is_Select_CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider.__c
ATS v2 - SubmittalClosed The Second Stage of Job application flow. This is when the recruiter sends the Candidate CV to the client, a sort of first introduction. To Is_To__c
ATS v2 - Submittal Cc Is_Cc__c
ATS v2 - Submittal Bcc Is_Bcc__c
ATS v2 – Quick Add Candidate Is_Select_Candidate__c
ATS v2 – Send OutClosed The third Stage of Job application flow. This is when the recruiter sets up a job interview between Candidate and Client. Interviewers Is_Interviewers__c

By default, all checkboxes are set to True which means that all ContactsClosed A contact (or client contact) is the person who the recruiter is working with at a Company. In Talent Rover a Contact can be either a Client Contact or a Candidate Contact. Both types of Contacts are stored in the same object (Contact). in the Org are seen as Contacts that need to be shown in the corresponding look up.

To control which Contacts are shown in a Contact look up, update the corresponding checkbox field to False. If the checkbox is set to False for a Contact, then that Contact will not be included in the look up field.

Configuration Steps

  1. For any of the above look up fields, decide what type of Contact you want to exclude from the selection.
  2. Create a Workflow Rule that defines that type of Contact.
  3. Create an associated Field Update action that will update the corresponding checkbox from True to False.
  4. Activate the Workflow Rule.