Admin: ATS v2: Configure Internal Interview Schedule Dynamic Field

Administrators are able to dynamically display the fields within the Internal Interview ScheduleClosed This is the record that captures the details of the interview set up (day, time, address, etc) fieldset. This allows administrators to dynamically determine which fields are hidden and/or required.

For example, a Phone interview could display and require a phone number, where a Virtual interview would display and require a meeting link. Dynamic fields allow you to choose the fields best suited for each action.

A JSON configuration allows for extensive granularity in configuration.


  1. Create JSON configuration.
    • The configuration object can store a list of rules to be applied to the form.
  2. Create a rule, specifying fieldName (picklist field APIClosed API, or Application Programming Interface, is used by customers to create custom career portals or to take advantage of Data Mirror/DataMart. Bullhorn prefers to use REST API. name which can trigger the rule enforcements, copy and paste the name from Object manager) and rules array:
    • In the Rules Array, create a rule object for each picklist value which can trigger a form update.
      • Specify a value which corresponds to the rules that need to be added to the fields array. The Fields array contains data of form fields which need to be modified.
      • Create a field instance containing the property fieldName matching the field API name from the Object Manager.
      • Specify the desired attributes:
        • IsRequired: Enter “true” or “false”, if the field needs to become required or non-required.
        • Hidden: Enter “true”, if the field needs to disappear.
        • DefaultValue: Enter “boolean”, “text”, “number” or “null” in order to pre-populate the value.
  3. Repeat the step for each necessary field.