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Transferring Record Ownership Using the List View

As an administrator of your Bullhorn system, you have the ability to transfer record ownership from one user to another user using the list view. When you transfer records using the list view, you are mass updating the Owner field to the user that you want to have ownership of the records.

Candidates and contacts should only be mass-transferred together if they have the same original owner, otherwise the original owners and the new owner will jointly own the record. If you want joint ownership, make sure the Owner field is set to allow multiple values in Field Mappings and when performing following the article listed above, leave the From User field blank.

Jobs can be mass-transferred together regardless of the owner and won’t create joint ownership. To create joint ownership for jobs, you must do so from the Owner field on the Edit tab of the individual record.


Why would I need to transfer record ownership using the list view?

You may want to transfer records using the corresponding list view to quickly transfer them in batches to more than one user.

How many records can I transfer at once using the list view?

Changing the ownership of records en masse using the list view supports 500 records at once.

  • The below steps will have to be performed multiple times if the user has more than 500 records.

What are the types of records that I can transfer ownership of?

You are able to transfer ownership for the following types of records:

  • Candidates
  • Contacts
    • The ownership of a Company is determined by the user that owns the Contact affiliated with the Company.
  • Jobs​​
    • ​ This will change the Owner field for all related Placements.
  • Leads
  • Opportunities

What information is transferred when a record changes ownership?

All of the information on the record including notes, attachments, and email messages will be transferred.

Candidates and Contacts


  1. Navigate to the list view that contains the records you want to transfer and ensure that there are no filters set.
  2. Select the Users icon to display the list of your enabled users.
  3. Choose the user that you want to transfer records from.
    • You are unable to transfer records from a disabled user account. If you would like to transfer records for a disabled user, you'll need to temporarily re-enable the user. We recommend doing this during the same work day to avoid being charged for both users in a month.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Select the checkbox at the top left of the list to select all records.
  6. Click the # Selected box.
  7. Under Update, select Change Owner.
    • This option is controlled by usertype entitlements. If you do not have this option, contact Bullhorn Support.​​
    • The Change Owner dialogue box displays.
  8. Set the top field to the user that owns the records you selected.
  9. Set the bottom field to the user that you want to own the records.
  10. Select the Unassigned User if you don't have a determined user that is taking the records over.
  11. Select Save.

The Owner field on the selected records will display the new owner. If the user has more than 500 records under their ownership on the selected list view, you will need to repeat steps 5-11.

Jobs, Opportunities, and Leads


  1. Navigate to the list view that contains the records you want to transfer and ensure that there are no filters set.
  2. Select the Users icon to display the list of your enabled users.
  3. Choose the user that you want to transfer records from.
    • You are unable to transfer records from a disabled user account. If you would like to transfer records for a disabled user, you'll need to temporarily re-enable the user. We recommend doing this during the same work day to avoid being charged for both users in a month.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Select the checkbox at the top left of the list to select all records.
  6. Click the # Selectedbox.
  7. Under Update, select Manage Ownership.
    •  This option is controlled by usertype entitlements. If you do not have this option, contact Bullhorn Support.​​
    • The Manage Ownership dialog box displays.
  8. In the Select an Action field, select the action you would like to take:
    • Transfer Owner: Replace all instances of a user in the Owner field with another user.
      • Leave Current Owner blank to replace the existing owner.
      • Set New Owner to Unassigned User if no specific user is taking over the records.
    • Transfer Assigned To: Replace all instances of a user in the Assigned To field with another user.
      • Leave Current Assigned To blank to replace the existing owner.
      • Set New Assigned To to Unassigned User if no specific user is taking over the records.
    • Add Assigned To: Add another user to the Assigned To field, without replacing any existing users.
      • Set New Assigned to to the additional user.
    • Remove Assigned To: Remove a user from the Assigned To field without replacing them.
      • Set Current Assigned to to a user you want to remove from Assigned To.
    • Transfer All Owner/Assigned To: Replace all instances of a user in the Owner and Assigned To fields with another user.
  9. Click Save.