Editions Available: All Editions Audience: Administrative Users

Disabling a Bullhorn User Account


As a best practice and to potentially avoid unnecessary fees, you should disable user accounts that were added in error or those that belong to employees who have left your company. Once the account is disabled, the user will no longer be able to log into Bullhorn (including Bullhorn for Mobile).

Prior to disabling a user, you will need to perform a few actions so that data is properly transferred.

This article will cover:

If the User is disabled without transferring their records to another user, you will be unable to use the "User" filter within the respective list view to locate these records, and you cannot mass transfer these Records within the respective list view.

If you already performed the steps for transferring a user's records and have recreated their Tearsheets and Distribution Lists,begin at

Disabling a User.

If you are wanting to replace a user account, follow the steps on Replacing a User Account.

Transferring a User's Records

Transferring records from a user account will replace the Owner field with the internal user that you are transferring the records to. All notes, attachments, and email messages that are tied to transferred records will remain on the records after they are transferred.

  1. From your Bullhorn Menu, select Users.
    • S-Release: Navigate to Menu > Tools > Users.

  2. Select the pencil icon next to the user that you want to transfer records from.

  3. Select Records Transfer located at the top-right of the screen.

    • The Record Ownership Transfer window will now open.
    • Select the corresponding entity using the drop-down to transfer records from the selected user account and include the user that you want to transfer the records to.
    • Select the Unassigned User if you don't have a determined user that is taking the records over.
  4. Select Transfer to transfer the records.
    • After the records have successfully transferred, you will be presented with the following screen.

  5. Select Back to choose a different entity and perform step 4 again.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all records have been transferred from the user account.

If the user has more than 2000 records of the same entity, you may be unable to perform a records transfer using the above method.

You will need to transfer the user's records en masse using the corresponding list view with the Transferring Record Ownership Using the List View article.

Recreating a User's Tearsheets

If the user has any Tearsheets you would like to keep, you must recreate the Tearsheets in order to manage the sheet in the future.

If the user you are disabling does not have any Tearsheets under their ownership, you may skip this section.

You are only able to view Tearsheets that are set to Public. If the user has any Private Tearsheets under their ownership, you will need to log in as the user to set the tearsheet to Public, log back in as yourself, and then follow the below steps.

  1. From your Bullhorn Menu, select Tearsheets.
    • S-Release: From the Menu navigate to Home and select Tearsheet List.

  2. Filter the Owner column to the user that you are disabling.

  3. Select the tearsheet name to expand the records on the tearsheet.

  4. Select the Select All checkbox in the column header.
    • If needed, expand the tearsheet to display 100 records per page.
  5. Click the Selected button.
  6. Select Add to Tearsheet.
    • A window will open that prompts you to add the selected records to an already existing Tearsheet or a new one.

  7. Select if you want to add to an existing to new tearsheet, enter the tearsheet name and select Save.

You have successfully recreated a user's Tearsheet under your ownership.

Repeat steps 3-7 as necessary.

Recreating a User's Distribution Lists - S-Release Only

If this user has any Distribution Lists you would like to keep, you must recreate the Distribution Lists in order to manage the list in the future.

Novo allows you to view disabled users distribution lists, so this step is unnecessary in Novo.

If the user you are disabling does not have any Distribution Lists under their ownership, you may skip this section.

You are only able to view Distribution Lists that are set to Public. If the user has any Private Distribution Lists under their ownership, you will need to log in as the user to set the Distribution List to Public, log back in as yourself, and then follow the below steps.

  1. Navigate to Menu > Home > Distribution Lists.

  2. Select the down arrow next to Distribution Lists.
  3. Select the checkbox next to the user you are disabling.
  4. Select the  next to the Distribution List name.
    • The edit screen for the selected Distribution List will now open.

  5. Give the Distribution List a new name.
  6. Change the Distribution List Type (if needed).
  7. Select Save as New.
    • ​Selecting Save as New will save the Distribution List under your ownership.

You have successfully recreated a user's Distribution List under your ownership.

Repeat steps 2-7 as necessary.

Disabling a User

You should only disable a user after transferring records and replicating Tearsheets or Distribution Lists as needed. Once you disable the user's Bullhorn account, the user will no longer be able to log into Bullhorn (including Bullhorn for Mobile).

The below steps must be performed to ensure that the user account is properly disabled.

  1. From your Bullhorn Menu, select Admin > Users.
    • S-Release: Navigate to Menu > Tools > Users.

  2. Select the pencil icon next to the user that you want to disable.

  3. Under Account Information, set Account to Disabled.
  4. Select Save at the top of the screen.

Upon completion of the above steps, you have successfully disabled a user account.

You or another administrator can re-enable the user account at any time. If you re-enable the user account, it will become billable if the total number of active users is more than what is outlined in your contract with Bullhorn. Please contact your Account Manager for details about your contract.