Editions Available: Corporate;Enterprise Audience: Administrative Users

Making a Field Required

You can make a field required to force users to enter or select information in that field prior to saving the record.

To Make a Field Required

  1. From your Bullhorn Menu, select Field Mappings.
    • S-Release: On the Tools menu, select Field Mappings.
  2. Click the expand arrow to the left of the entity containing the field you are modifying.
  3. Search for the field to modify.
  4. Select the Required check box.
  5. Click
    • Required fields are marked by a red asterisk (*).
Note: As all records (except for companies) must have owners in Bullhorn, the Owner field must always be required. If you un-select the Required check box for an Owner field, and then attempt to create and and save a record without an owner, you'll see an error message.