Editions Available: Corporate;Enterprise Audience: Administrative Users

Renaming a Field

You can rename a field with the text you want to appear in the application. For example, you can re-label the Cell Phone field to Mobile Phone. When you rename a field, Bullhorn changes the field name throughout the application. To avoid confusion, no two fields should have the same name (excluding the candidate and contact name and address fields), nor should a field and a section header that is directly above or below it have the same name, as this can cause display issues on the record.

To Rename a Field

  1. From your Bullhorn Menu, select Field Mappings.
    • S-Release: On the Tools menu, select Field Mappings.
  2. Click the to the left of the entity containing the chosen field.
  3. Search for the field.
  4. In the Label field, type the new field name.
  5. Click Save.