Editions Available: Corporate;Enterprise Audience: Administrative Users

Understanding Bullhorn User Action Entitlements

Action entitlements are used to define different privilege levels for your users. Action entitlements are enabled on the usertype level meaning that if an action entitlement is enabled for one of your users, it will also be enabled for everybody that they share a usertype with.

Examples of action entitlements include the ability to export records out of the system, delete records, and merge records.

Bullhorn Action Entitlements

Bullhorn action entitlements are divided into the following categories:

  • Notes
  • Mail/Calendar
  • Misc/Administrative
  • Candidate
  • Company
  • Contact
  • Job
  • Submission
  • Client Submission
  • Placement
  • Lead
  • Opportunity

Action entitlements are controlled by Bullhorn Support. Please contact Bullhorn support if you would like to amend the action entitlements on any of your usertypes.

When a user does not have an entitlement to perform an action in Bullhorn, one of two things will happen:

  • The user will not be able to access the feature as the button or menu option will not display.
  • The user will receive an Illegal Operation message when trying to perform the action.