Editions Available: Corporate;Enterprise Audience: Administrative Users

Understanding Departments, User Types, and Entitlements


Use Departments, User Types, and Entitlements to define who has access to which records in the application. Departments categorize records based on the department the owner of the record is in and can be used to restrict user access based on entitlements given to user types. This topic contains a more detailed look at all three features and how to configure them.

Understanding Departments

Departments help to divide your organization's data to determine which users can access which records (e.g. candidates, contacts, jobs, etc.), and view activity related to those records (e.g., the User Activity Report). For example, a user in the Recruiting department could have access to only records created by other users in that department, preventing them from viewing any contacts created or owned by users in the Sales department.

Three of the most common ways to set up departments are by region, by roles, or by region and roles.

  • By Region: You can segment your data by geographic region. For example, Boston, New York, San Francisco, San Diego, North East, and West Coast. With this setup users have access to a specific city and to an entire set of cities in a region.
  • By Roles: You can segment your data by department or high-level roles. For example, Sales, Recruiting, HR, Customer Service, and IT. This setup, typical when there is one office, allows each user to belong to a single department with which their role is associated.
  • By Region and Roles: You can segment your data by a mix of geographic location and role. For example, Sales, Recruiting, New York Sales, New York Recruiting, Chicago Sales, Chicago Recruiting, New York, and Chicago. This setup is designed for more granularities when reporting. It allows regional and national managers to report more accurately on sales and recruiting activity in their respective regions.

You can provide users access to multiple departments by assigning users primary and secondary departments. To change a user's department view the Changing a User's Departments article. Over time, you may need to add, edit, or deactivate departments. To make these changes, contact Bullhorn Support.

Adding a Department

Add a department to further divide and restrict access to your company’s records. When adding a department, you should consider these questions:

  • How do you want the data divided (e.g., by role, office location, business division, etc.)?
  • Which users will belong to each department? Will any users need to belong to multiple departments?
  • Do you have any custom objects? If so, does the new department need access to any of them?

Editing a Department

Edit a department's name if the department office location moves, say from San Jose to San Francisco, or the name needs to better match the department's purpose. When editing a department, you should consider these questions:

  • Which reports are hard-coded with department names?
  • Which custom fields list your departments for reporting purposes?
  • Which custom templates (on candidate, job, or company records) are only accessible to certain departments?

Deactivating a Department

Deactivate a department if an office's location is closing, all users are relocating to a new department, or if two departments are merging. When deactivating a department, you should consider the same questions as when you edit a department. To deactivate a department, contact Bullhorn Support.

Understanding User Types and Entitlements

All User Accounts must have an assigned user type. Each user type comprises a set of entitlements that control what the user can see and do in Bullhorn. For instructions on changing a user's user type, view the Changing a User's User Type article.

Generally, the following basic User Types will meet your company's needs. If you have Bullhorn's Corporate or Enterprise edition, you may choose to have additional custom User Types created or modify the entitlements associated with the user types below.

  • Administrator: This user type generally has access to all the reporting and configuration tools, including importing and exporting data, User Accounts, Categories, Skills, Specialties, System Settings, Field Mappings, View Layout, Entity Titles, and setting up third-party accounts. The Administrator user type can also mass-delete records, mass-update record owners, approve Placements and Change Requests.
  • Manager: This user type has access to reporting tools. It can also import data, mass update record ownership, approve Placements and Change Requests.
  • Standard: This user type can add, view, and edit data such as Notes, Tasks, Submissions, Interviews, Placements, and other records. Recruiters and Sales team members are generally assigned this user type.
  • User-Bullhorn: This user type is reserved exclusively for the Unassigned account. The Unassigned account is not a normal user, instead it is used as a placeholder for records that do not yet have owners. If you would like the Unassigned account to be the default owner of records parsed into the system, contact Bullhorn Support.