Creating Default Onboarding Fields
You can create default fields from within the Onboarding system that can be used across all of your documents. This is useful for quickly building a library of commonly used fields.
Creating a Default Field from the Admin Tab
- Navigate to the Admin tab.
- Select Onboarding Default Fields from the Settings menu.
- Select Create New Field to open the Edit Field screen.
- Choose a Field Type and any Field Options.
- The field name and options can be changed on a per document basis after they have been added to a document.
- Enter in a Default Field Name.
- Select to confirm your changes.
Creating Default Fields from Existing Fields
You can also turn a field you created for one document into a default field to be used on all of your documents.
- Navigate to the Onboarding tab.
- Select Documents tab.
- Locate and open the document containing the field you want to convert to a default by selecting .
- At the top of the field bank on the left, select Fields.
- Locate the field you wish to convert to a default and select .
- Toggle the Add to Global Default? option to Yes.
- Enter a name for the default field in the Global Default Name field.
- Select Save to confirm your changes.
Adding a Default Field to a Document
When you have finished creating your default fields, you can then add them to any of your onboarding documents.
- Navigate to the Onboarding tab.
- Select Documents tab.
- Locate the document you want to edit and select to open it.
- Information on creating a new document can be found Uploading a New Onboarding Document.
- At the top of the field bank, select Add New.
- Switch the field type toggle to Default.
- Add the field by holding and dragging it from the field bank and dropping it onto the document.
- In the Add Field screen, adjust any of the field options as needed.
- Once you are satisfied with the field settings, select Save to confirm your changes to the field.
- On the Document Builder, select in the upper right to save the changes to the document.
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