Onboarding Fields Overview
This article includes information on the different types of fields that are available to you when creating an Onboarding document. Choosing the correct field type will make filling out electronic documents a simple and straightforward process. All of the fields, except for the Signature fields, can be sourced from other areas of the Onboarding Database.
Field Types
- Text Input fields allow users to enter information into a text box. This can be restricted to any combination of entries, including Letters, Numbers, and Symbols.
- Block Text fields allow single character inputs per box.
- Signature fields allow users to sign a document by writing their name with either mouse or finger movements.
- Checkbox fields enable users to choose from multiple options on a document. When setting up checkboxes, you may enable multiple checkboxes and the system will allow each one to be toggled.
- Paragraph Input fields are similar to the Text Input but may be resized to allow multiple lines.
- Date Input fields present users with a calendar to choose the desired month/day/year. When setting up the Date Input you may choose a Source field and the preferred format you would like to display.
- Radio are similar to Checkboxes; however, when toggling radio buttons, only one maybe selected. This is useful when there are options that cannot be combined.
For example, a user's marital status cannot be Single and Married. In this case you would choose a Radio to only allow the user to select one of the options. - Dropdown menus allow the user to select one value from a list of options.
- Signature Text fields allow the user to simply click a button to sign a document. The signature will display the following text:
Electronically signed by [NAME] on [DATE] at [TIME] at [IP] - Hyperlink fields let you add clickable links to your onboarding documents to open another website.
More Information on Fields
The following articles provide additional information on customizing how your fields will display.
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